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Posts posted by MrsSmith

  1. I agree. A program which lends its very visible name to small groups should have a mechanism of oversight. But maybe that's what new recruits are. Maybe the well meaning people who suggest not stirring up trouble unwittingly perpetuate the charade.


    BTW, you said Bob White was too by the book and he accuses you of disparaging scouting, but you sound to me like the two of you think alike. May I ask, what is your interest in scouting?

  2. I have been following the threads in "Committee Membership" and "Utopian". Its interesting that there are so many differences of opinion regarding topics one would think would be as clear as upon which arm one places the troop numbers. BSA has been doing this for 96 years; can there be any subject that hasn't been examined from every angle? Haven't all of the wrinkles been ironed out? It seems impossible a troop like ours could develop, if one keeps in mind the 3 aims and 8 methods of Scouting (trying to impress you with my vast store of BSA knowledge)and reads the material which lays it all out step by step.


    I realize there are 4 choices: 1)Try and start a Mutiny on the Bounty; find a Fletcher Christian(yes there are other disgruntled parents) and set Captain Bligh and his cronies (yes there are some who like it this way and some who are oblivious) adrift (with a map, compass and trailmix); 2)Head for greener pastures(hopefully) 3) Silence. Option 4, asking the SM to explain himself, etc etc is probably just a prologue to mutiny or hitting the road. But thanks for making the choices clear and educating me on the procedures.


    I will continue to read, listen and learn.

  3. Over the weekend I managed to borrow from a neighbor a copy of a SM handbook and a Committee Members' Handbook. Very interesting reading. It confirms what I knew intuitively and from reading the posts on this website. This troop is a hobby for the men. Its not really about training boys to be leaders. Lots of what has been written describes our situation; actually a combo of FOG and Laura; nobody seems to have any idea what is happening from one meeting to the next, and then suddenly one of the men announces that there will be a camping trip in two weeks and the itinerary is X. SM attends NOTHING the boys do, boys get merit badges for just showing up, new scouts are deprived of a rank advancement because their patrol leader (SMs son) is MIA. I am reluctant to spell out details; they are so ridiculous that anyone familiar with the troop could probably identify it.


    It sounds like many troops are either in disarray, just coming out of disarray, or heading for disarray. Maybe this is the natural progression (or degeneration).

  4. Wingnut: its not you, so take a breath.

    Trail Pounder: In fairness to those who responded, my question was "how to get rid of the SM" and that is the information I received. (including one suggestion that I contact a guy named "Whitey" but I am not seriously considering that being somewhat cash strapped at this time).


    I do attend all of the meetings although help is not requested in the other areas you mentioned and I am going to sign up for training. I am not going to confront anybody yet, I just wanted to get an idea of the proper procedure. I don't want to start something that may end up with my boy being forced to leave a troop of his friends, because I embarrassed him to death. After all, its all about our kids, right? So, for now, the poor guy is safe from my scheming; you can stop worrying for him.

    But once I get trained.........

  5. I am not a member of the CO and the troop commissioner is MIA (terminally ill). I am a single mom and have been told (too subtly to challenge it) that the men run this troop and basically, women are to be seen and not you-know-what. So that rules out offering to assist. (I was "challenged" to go get trained, which I am going to do so that I can speak more intelligently). And my 13 year old is too close with the other boys to change now. I know that some other parents are frustrated. But since we don't seem to have a "committee", there seems to be no way to challenge the status quo.

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