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Posts posted by Mom2Scouts06

  1. Adding to what Scoutfish said...we pay for any belt loops earned at a cub scout event like den meetings, day camp, coucil camp o rees, etc. Any belt loop earned by a Scout outside of Scout events such as little league etc are paid for by the parents.

  2. We don't call ours "opt out" either. We determine in our preplanning meeting what it cost for each boy in our pack for rehcarter, awards, pinewood derby car etc. We divide that in half and that is the dues for the year (last year $50 dues) it left $56 remaining that they needed to make up through fundraising efforts like popcorn or our two pack yardsale/bakesales. If they chose not to participate in the fundraiser then they received a bill for the $56 that they were required to pay. If they did fundraisers then the first $56 they made went to the pack general operating budget and anything in excess of that $56 went to individual scout accounts. By doing it this way we had alot of participation in fundraisers this year!


    Parents were told about how this all worked at our parent meeting at the beginning of the pack year!

  3. I am teaching Readyman at our council Webelos Day...when we had Webelos as den we took them to the Fire Dept and did all the requirements. Does anyone have any ideas on how to teach this to the boys ourselves? To make it exciting and fun?

  4. We had one Scout shop in our area that would sell you anything with no advancement report. They unfortunately were shut down by National due to budget cuts. Our other Scout shop won't let you buy anything without an advancement report and I am struggling with this same issue. I wanted to get my son a second AOL award with the 2010 in case his ever gets messed up, ruined or falls off his uniform! I think it is pretty cool that the rank badges this year have the 2010 on them and you should be able to buy a spare if so desired for back up, second uniform or whatever.

  5. nolesrule our course is the same way...in fact if you return them with nothing added they call you out as happened to one of our patrols. You can't decorate the beads in any permanent way but you are to add your own flair to them.

    WE know what we are adding we just want a funny and unique way to return them to him once our day as program patrol is over!

  6. We have a huge set of Beads for the Program patrol and the Quartermasters Shovel for the Service Patrol. Everyone so far has given back the Shovel in a very unique way..but no one has given back the beads in a unique and funny way yet. Considering the ASM of Program is also a FOX we feel like he expects something big out of us!

  7. We held a mock trail in our den. One of the boys was accused of stealing ice cream from the cafeteria and was the defendant, one boy was prosecutor, one was defense attorney, two were witnesses (one for each side), the rest were the jury. Each boy had an assigned part but the script was theirs to come up with and the outcome of the trail was not predetermined. The prosecutor even got a parent to act as a suprise witness for his side. Our two den leaders were the judge and baliff....the boys loved it and it gave them a sense of how our justice system and court room work. Of course we talked about this over the course of 2 den meetings then had the trail at the 3rd. Look in the Webelos leader guide for good suggestions too.

  8. In our pack we have Cubmaster, ACM, Committe Chair (me lol), Secretary, Treasurer, Advancement Chair, Outdoor Chair, Pack Trainer, and then we have a person in charge of Blue and Gold and Popcorn.


    I find that as Committee Chair I just have to keep my eyes open for people I think would be a good fit for a position and then approach them about it. Some people are just not willing at all and others are willing but they want to be asked!


    Good Luck! In a growing pack you need alot of help!

  9. I just completed my first weekend of Wood Badge and I honestly think this is THE BEST thing I could have ever signed on for as a Scout Leader. I think not only will it make me a better leader but a better employee and parent. We have the "perfect" Wood Badge course with 8 patrols of 6 people. I have never been more mentally exhausted and more excited at the same time. I am in a wonderful patrol of fabulous people and I am a FOX! My patrol also won the Wood Badge version of Jeopardy and their seems to be some minor irritation of the other patrols on how well we have all meshed together....HA! Of course it is all in good fun!


    And I can't stop singing THE SONG!!!!

  10. WTG on stepping up to teach part of Baloo Mike! I do Camping Equipment and one of the Round Robins (First Aid) and I love every minute of it! I like the chance to get to know different people from all over our District...it is alot of fun!

  11. I will say that watching the removal of my sons blue shoulder loops and watching them replaced with green ones, and the removal of his neckerchief as it was replaced with one from Troop brought tears to my eyes :)

  12. So if we move up our Scouts to the next rank on middle of May it would be Ok for the new Webelos I to attend a Webelos Pin O Ree the following weekend even though Scoutnet won't officially list them until June 1st?

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