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  1. I guess I used the term "teach" loosely. I ahve completed so many Cub Scout and Boy Scout Specific Leader Trainings in the past and have even began to retake some of the online classes this past week to refresh my mind on the "lil ones". I found out today that when school starts back up in August I will not have the 11-12 year old boys as they will be going to differnt activities and will not be there. Still though I have a challange in conducting basically a den meeting for these boys, with all dens present at once. I have the few Tigers, several Wolves & Bears and even some that are Webelos age. This is where I think it is challenging and where I was asking for the help. How do I conduct business for all age groups at once? Bobcat... well that is easy because everyone needs it. After that though if I work on the Tigers, then the others will be bored or it will be too easy for them, or if I work on Webelos then it will be over the heads of everyone else. Any suggestions or anything would help. Thanks.
  2. Thanks to all. I am actually from a rural town about 50 miles from Kansas City, and that is where I grew up and went through scouting at. I am now living though in the "Heart" of KC near the Truman Sports Complex where the KC Chiefs & KC Royals play. Thanks for letting me join such a warm and inviting forum. YIS, John
  3. Hello, I have recently became a Program Aide for the ScoutReach Program in my local council. Even though I had Cub Scouting experience in the past as a Cub myself and then as an Assistant Webelos Den Leader, I had no idea what I was getting myself into now. My job now with the BSA is to "teach" Cub Scouts to "at risk" boys who need scouting to not necessarily stay out of trouble, but for it to be a valuable tool in their life. Advancement is not the key for me, just for them to have fun and learn what scouting is all about (completing requirements as we go along of course). My questions to you all is, where do I begin looking for information as far as what I do as each meeting? Believe it or not, right now I have about 25 boys. These boys though range from ages 6-12, which means they are all levels of Cub Scouting. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Ok, I am in a dilemma as I am sure most other leaders are in as well, but mine might be a little bit more challenging. I recently took a position within the Heart of America Council (Kansas City, Mo) for the position of Program Aide for several Districts. I will primarily be dealing with Cub Scouts and acting as their Cub Master. Now since I will be switching or visiting units often (similar to a Unit Commissioner), do I wear the Cub Master Position Patch, or since I am an actual employee of the HOAC, do I wear the Employee Patch with just the Council Strip above it? I know if I was the Cub Master for only 1 pack, I would have my uniform set up with those pack numbers and Cub Master Patch, but since I switch units depending on what day of the week it is, I don't know what to do? Also, what about the epilutes, what color do I go with, and what else should I wear on my uniform if I set it up as an Employee?? Please help me out as I am wanting to / needing to purchase an entire new Centennial Uniform next week.
  5. Hello. I am new to Scouter.com and actually found this by mistake. I have recently been asked to become a Program Aide for the ScoutReach Program in the Heart of America Council and was online trying to find some Cub Scouting resources and came upon this site. This is quite a nice forum and I am sure I will find alot of valuable resources here. A little about myself: I started Tiger Cubs in 1990 and made it all the way through to Eagle in 2002. I have worked four summers at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation in Osceola, Mo. I have had about every position title as a youth and various adult titles also. In 2006, right before my 21st birthday I was asked if I was interested in becoming a District Unit Commissioner, and I did. Even though it was exciting for me, it did take a toll on me for a while too. It wasn't until recently that I decided that I wanted to do something more, and just last week took this position with the ScoutReach. Once again, this is a wonderful website and I hope to utilize it to its fullest. John Baggs
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