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Everything posted by marinelaw

  1. Thats very interesting, as we have never made a request or attempted to conduct business with sea base. This is a general marine law/safety concern issue. Seem like your source is getting creative to save face. The military refers to that as CYOA.
  2. (This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  3. Present this document already! Who was it that signed this agreement? If do you have it...post it, I have even forewarded you my personal email so you can do so, scan the actual fax you have apparently recieved clearly stating this. Produce it. Every marine insurance company that was contacted reguarding coverage, including our own, states that a vessel documented for commercial uninspected 6 pack charter, that is operating with more than 6 passengers would clearly void the vessels policy! So how can a vessel operate safely when uninsured by it's carrier?
  4. Why the private response? ...Still waiting to see this document posted with authorizing signiatures, Bob....Mich.... you now have my private email (which I expect, you will respect)Scan it and fwd it to me... please. (This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  5. Post it with the authorizing signiature and lets have a look see!
  6. Amazing that within 48 of the USCG saying they have no such document to fax me, that you got one. If you have a signed copy form the USCG office in charge....post it better yet scan it and post it so the authorizing signiature can be seen proper, lets have a look see at it. Better yet, your friends at the base should po(This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  7. It seems as though you are from the "boys will be boys" school who allows these poorly trained and poorly led children to continue this irresponsible behavior with a slap on the wrist so little Johnny does not have poor self esteem for being marked as a bad seed!. Seems a shame. This comparison is simply a great example of how so many boys are allowed to get away with improper and stupid things due to the fact they... well, they're Boy Scouts soooo, that is really a pathetic approch to proper leadership. Leading by example should be focused on. They are Scouts so they get special treatme
  8. HOW FRUSTRATING!!! with these incomplete posts! I'll repost again later..(This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  9. This is a good comparison to another poost in the forums right now!!! Perhaps we should compare views on the underage drunken Eagle scout from Mass., who thinks nothing is illeagal or wrong of having his parents throw a boozefest for underage children in his honor(aside the fact that the cops showed up). If t(This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  10. The jones act is irrelevant to this matter, I responded with that for the question of foriegn or US flag. When questioning the USCG Miami I also found they were granted a "stay of execution" if you will. I was also told it expires JULY. This was offered so they had time to comply, which they don't seem to be doing as boats are still carrying 8. I feel Gags is on the right track in his cconcerns. Why are the Boy Scouts allowed special privlage in this matter and allowed to operated above CG regulation. A charterboat, is a charterboat, is a charterboat. Would a criminal be given special t
  11. many more informative follow ups posted in the open discussion forum
  12. BW read the rest of the posts. The boats are chartered by the BSA and sublet to the crews they bring in. When the CG went in to stop it, it halted immediately crews were removed form boats in transit and vessels returned as well. They hired stand in boats to cover the additional passengers by complying to the 6 max rule. This accordi(This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  13. Sorry this did not seem to post the whole msg. BW read the rest of the posts. The boats are chartered by the BSA and sublet to the crews they bring in. When the CG went in to stop it, it halted immediately crews were removed form boats in transit and vessels returned as well. They hired stand in boats to cover the additional pass(This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  14. Sound like these are some real bright adults! Seems the apple didn't fall far from the tree either. One can only hope these adults will be punished severely for their stupidity and lack of concern. I would think such a fool could not make Eagle, I mean they are supposed to be exemplary Boy Scouts correct. Sounds like revocation of(This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  15. (This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  16. (This message has been edited by marinelaw)
  17. Thank you fotoscout! These vessels are documented under US flag. As you can not operate a foriegn flag vessel for commerce in the US without a waiver of the "Jones Act".
  18. Apparently the CG went directly to the Sea Base. Most likely, due to the fact that they are the organization in charge of the operation. They(FSB) charter the boats from the owners and then basically sublet them to the Scouts they bring in. It seems as though there is false information passed on to the owners here as well to obtain signiatures on these charter agreements. Now, and this comes directly from a 'scout boat' owner at sea base, as they have raised this concern in the past to their superiors. They were told by the powers that be at FSB they do have approval from the USCG to ope
  19. Check the discussion and facts being discussed in the open discussion forum. Lets not forget when dealing with the Staff at the base you are dealing with salesmanship. Have you been presented with these facts at all by them? Might look into the USCG laws for safe commercial operation. Inquire with Sea Base as t
  20. It's not just a thought, it's a fact which was confirmed by the USCG Marine officer mentioned in the earlier post. I am a concerned commercial marine operator/supporter of the BSA with a family lineage of Eagles scouts and past attendant of the Coral Reef program (when I asked, the FSB Director told me they were licensed by the CG for such operation). I was also made aware of this fact through a proffessional mariners forum which discovered this as well. Upon our findings and questions as to this operation of uninspected vessels with more than 6 passengers, a gorup of owner/operators began
  21. This does not apply to kayak trips and rowboats or canoes that are troop owned or used at camps and such. We are talking Charter boats here. Vessel which are hired for commercial operation with licensed Captains. When refering to the FSB and vessels owned by the BSA, you need to understand that, the sailboats used at the base are not owned by the BSA, they hired for charter. They are all independantly owned and operated charteboats. The Sea Base "charters" these vessels from their owners. ANY uninspected vessel used in Commercial operation for paying passengers is subject to the law of "
  22. Sorry, I failed to add the SEA between "National BSA" and "base". YES, I am referring to the "Florida National High Adventure Sea Base, Islamorada Florida". Our friends in Irving, more importantly the directors of Sea Base, are failing to inform us that they are and have been "operating illegally SINCE 1996 when an MUO(mutual undrstanding of organizations) expired due to changes in Admiralty and Maritime Law".(LT. CMDR Bates/USCG Marine inspections office Miami Fl.). The program was shut down by the Coast Guard once this year already due to this fact, but we all knew this....right? Wrong.
  23. Why is it that the leaders of National BSA base are breaking the USCG laws. Not only now but according to the USCG Marine Inspector(MIami FL.) since 1996! Certainly blatent disreguard for Federal Marine Law should not be taught to children. Nor should these laws be broken simply for our money. Aside from the risk at which OUR children are placed in!! One would question there INTEGRITY....HONESTY...RESPECT... I think you know where I am going... And why is it that we are not being informed of this as we send our children off to NATIONAL SCOUT CAMP!!! Apparently our money, and not our opi
  24. Why is it that the leaders of National BSA base are breaking the USCG laws. Not only now but according to the USCG Marine Inspector(MIami FL.) since 1996! Certainly blatent disreguard for Federal Marine Law should not be taught to children. Nor should these laws be broken simply for our money. Aside from the risk at which OUR children are placed in!! One would question there INTEGRITY....HONESTY...RESPECT... I think you know where I am going... And why is it that we are not being informed of this as we send our children off to NATIONAL SCOUT CAMP!!! Apparently our money, and not our opi
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