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Posts posted by lynn07

  1. Thank you all for your response. The Unit Commissioner commissioner has been in contact with us and the District Commissioner and has asked for clarification. This question has come up because the majority of the unit and committee want a new cc that will be more effective and be a facilator not a dictator and keep the boys troop alive. the current cc does not have a child in the program now, his son is now away at college and it is time for him to move on as well and let a person become involved that has a vested interest. It appears a talk with the COH or COR will be needed to get changes made.


    thoughts on this?

  2. Do troop committee's hold an election every year and get to vote for the person that they feel would be the best for the position? It is a secret ballot of show of hands? How many votes does it take to be elected? Who counts the votes? We have a troop that wants positions changed as the troop.



  3. What constitutes "100% Boys's Life" participation in a troop concerning receiving Boys Life Magazine. Some in our committee argue that "each and every boy in the troop must have their own subscription to Boy's Life Magazine" to have the 100% status. The other group says that " each FAMILY in the troop must have a subscription to Boy's Life Magazine" as in if there are 2 or 3 brothers in a family only 1 subscription is needed to qualify for 100% Boys Life participation. Is this written anywhere to prove this rule?

    Thank you.

  4. First question:

    Is it the usual practice for the SPL to attend the Troop Committee meetings?

    I thought the troop committee was only attended by committee members and Scoutmaster,Assistant SM. Patrol Leader Council was for SPL to attend with other scouts and Scoutmaster.

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