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Everything posted by KonaScout

  1. MIScout, Your Roundtable friend was just pulling your leg. The Adult Men's scout trousers for the last several years has had the elastic in the waist, both in the long and short varieties. I have my old size 32 pair without elastic from the mid 1980's and the new size 32's actually fit better. You can find ones without elastic on eBay, but all the official trousers now I'm aware of have the elastic. If your still self-consious, wear the belt and no one will ever know. Regards, KonaScout
  2. Our cub scout site uses a great free animated navigation bar you can use as well. http://www.scoutsonline.com/pack33
  3. Implementing a password protected area, usually means adding a database driven aspect to your website, which can be daunting to do yourself. Might be easiest to link to an associated page with Yahoo groups or MSN.
  4. Good, clean, serviceable site! I too would steer away from using frames... and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission says you need to have an Internet Privacy Policy published to comply with the 1998 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. For what its worth, this is ours: http://www.scoutsonline.com/pack33/privacydisclaimer.htm.(This message has been edited by KonaScout)
  5. I apologize for the multiple posts in this thread, but the message board rarely seems to want to accept more than 5 lines of text per submission from me, even after editing and resubmitting. I've no doubt that Ive overlooked something I should be doing.(This message has been edited by KonaScout)
  6. I have no connection with this product and don't wish to just hype something. I'm sure the other software solutions are very servicable products. We have a couple families that have difficulty signing their boy's books and have never logged on. But we plan to stay with it.(This message has been edited by KonaScout)
  7. (cont') because they know the awards will get ordered more quickly). We also avoided compatability problems with our Macintosh and Linox families. Regarding portability, we first just used a notebook computer at den meetings with the relevant web page previously opened (attendance/dues or wolf advancement) for that den. The records could be updated on the offline webpage, and then updated when one was back online; but now our charter organization has installed a wireless network in their office which reaches our meeting room and we can access the internet. It has also given us great Pack fam
  8. As we started a new Pack this past April, I looked at 4 different scout record systems and went with ScoutTrack.com even before our first Pack purchase. We have LOVED it. The three main issues it solves for us: 1. avoiding the bottleneck of only one or two people updating the records 2. maintaining multiple synchronized databases and 3. creating ownership by Pack families. (Families often enter their boys achievements themselves beca(This message has been edited by KonaScout)
  9. We would be interested in anywhere from 3-30 depending on what the shipping works out to be. Thanks for the offer.
  10. http://scoutsonline.com/pack33 We're very impressed with scoutsonline.com which offers to host scout units at no charge. We are also using a java-based Top Navigational Bar III design that is made available at no charge by Dynamicdrive.com.
  11. I note that I'm a Junior Forum member. Can I one day look forward to being able to post more than 5 lines of text at a time on this forum, (even after repreated (re-edits)?
  12. (cont') (In that our official Cub Pack flag has just cost us $156 including $109 for lettering, I'm not as excited as perhaps I should be at the thought of needing to make new Den flags each year. Thanks for your help!
  13. (cont') (ie the orange Tiger Den #1 flag cannot become the Wolf Den #1 flag just as the Webelo Den #5 flag cannot cycle back and becomethe Tiger Den #5 flag.) It would seem that the best solution is to make or use flags that are not specific to a given rank. (In that our official Cub Pack flag has just cost us 2
  14. Thanks for your helpful comments and good ideas! It still seems strange that the official Scout Den Flag and Den Number system as sold in the catalog, doesn't seem to allow the den flag to be used for more than one year (ie the orange Tiger Den #1 flag cannot become the Wolf Den #1 flag just as the Webelo Den #5 fla
  15. Thanks for your helpful comments and good ideas! It still seems strange that the official Scout Den Flag and Den Number system as sold in the catalog, doesn't seem to allow the den flag to be used for more than one year (ie the orange Tiger Den #1 flag cannot become the Wolf Den #1 flag just as the Webelo Den 2
  16. (Cont'd from 1-3) We need to start designating our dens (at least sometimes) by a unique den number. (This my first time to post and I seem to be limited to only one paragraph, no matter how many times I "reEdit" each post). Thanks for your help!
  17. I'm a new cubmaster who started a new pack seven months ago. Initially our Commissioner recommended we just not use den numbers but just refer to them as our "Wolf" den etc. However we are now up to the 5 grade-level dens and we have been using Den Doodles (we prefer to call them Den Wampum Boards) and Den Flags and we
  18. However, this assumption causes problems with our Den Flag numbers since the Tiger and the Webelo flags are unique from the wolf and bear flags. If your first year you have a #1 ironed on your Tiger flag, it can't very well become your Wolf Den flag. I guess we could make some type of number finial for the Den Flag pole, but is there a better (and/or official) solution to this dilemma?
  19. Am I correct to assume that the cub scout's den number follows him, or does it change each year. I had assumed that as our Tiger den becomes a Wolf den, their Den Number would not change to prevent all the families from having to rip off and sew on a new Den number patch each year. However, this assumption causes problems with our Den Fl(This message has been edited by KonaScout)
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