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Everything posted by khbaker

  1. khbaker

    Den flags

    Greetings from the Chicagoland area. We just had our Dens each create Den Flags this year. Thankfully, none of them simply bought the blue ones from the Scout Shop with the iron-on numbers. One of them had a hand-me-down satin flag from a Wolf Den of old... With the exception of those Wolves, each one made their own (lots of felt, fake fur, etc...). While this year, each of the Den Flags was probably what the DL's envisioned (I know mine was for my Tigers), hopefully in the future, we move to unique flags created by the boys in future years. Some of the Dens have Den Doodles that
  2. Thank you Narraticong - I'll admit that I purposely fixated on the racial demographic aspect. Most of our boys attend a school that self-reports as 98%+ caucasian - there are virtually no African American families in the area. We have just a few (1-2) boys of Asian-American background and 1-2 Hispanic boys in the Pack (about 50 boys total). We do have a couple boys with ADHD- and sensory-type issues in the pack. So my question is really centered on building our (racially/ethnically) diversity proficient (yes, proficient is probably the wrong word, but "aware" is also probably
  3. Hello! By way of introduction -- I'm a Tiger Den Leader who's "working my Wood Badge Ticket" - I'm also an Eagle Scout and was an Asst. Scoutmaster for a local troop before my son was born. At the sage advice of my Scoutmaster at the time, took 6 years off until he was old enough to join Tiger Cubs. So here we are... My Wood Badge diversity ticket item is to investigate ways of building 1) a more diverse Cub Scout pack; and 2) more diversity awareness amongst our boys. Therefore, I'm looking to network with some scouters of color, scouters who lead particularly diverse packs/troops,
  4. Has there ever been an initiative to get Wood Badge (or any other Adult Leader training) certified through the Project Management Institute (PMI) that are required for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification (i.e. 60 credits every 3 years) - or for any other non-Scouting organization (i.e. PDU's, Continuing Education Credits, etc.) I received my PMP designation last year and in attending the practical WB course this summer, was surprised and encouraged to see how much of the training touched on things covered in corporate training courses. With that, it seems like there i
  5. wow - I'm so new that I don't even know how to post and accidentally double-clutched... sorry(This message has been edited by khbaker)
  6. Short-term lurker... first-time poster... I'm an Eagle Scout from St. Louis, MO that followed my wife to the Chicagoland area after college. A couple years later, I signed up as an ASM with a local scout troop and will admit that initially, I didn't "get it" (i.e. the transition from Scout to Scouter that's been discussed here in this thread. The troop's amazing Scoutmaster and I were chatting about it and he simply reminded me, "when you were in Scouts, I'll bet you didn't always like to line up in a straight line"- There's some amazing perspective in that simple statement. A few y
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