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  1. Hey this my sound stupid orvery simplistic. Ask him what he wants. Whay keep it a secret?
  2. Well thank you for all of your responces. Many were very insightful. But at this point I think that I have gotten to the very bottom of the situation. I have been aided in my meger investigation by the boy's unit committee chair. He is also one of my standard memebers of the EBOR. This incident was handled completely out of court and informally by the unit and council. And now the most important piece of information. This incident took place 4 years ago. Why it was brought up now by one of the unit scouters has yet to be answered. The final story: At a multi council event several (4) boys were in a store. One or more boys were seen by a patron, by-stander or clerk taking some candy. Being in uniform the wittness was able to write down the unit and council number and name. Council was contacted and in turn council contacted the unit. After questioning the boys who attended the event the boy(s) who was involved in the theft confessed and wrote a letter of apology. End of story. I did the math and that made the boy 13 at the time of the incident. This sheds a whold new light on the responce for the EBOR. I believe that one of the members of the EBOR may question him about the incident but in a different light, asking him what he may have learned from the incident or how it may have changed his life. At age 13 we do much dumber things and if there have been no further incidents and there is no pattern the EBOR should also consider it a learning experence for this young man. Again thank you for all of your very insightful responces they made very good reading. Maybe my explaination will be more fodder for further threads. Ketchome
  3. What about x-number of hours of community service? By the way the shiplifting issue has been confirmed at this point, he was 17 1/2 when the incident took place.
  4. I have been the Eagle Advancement Chair for our District for seveal years and have not denied the advancment to Eagle for any scout up to this point. I may be facing that issue this week. I want to be prepaired if the alogations that I have heard turn out to be true. At a recent mulit-unit outing the boy in question is supposed to have shoplifted an item and was caught. He wrote a letter of apology and the matter was "hushed." I have also heard but not confirmed that at a previous scout camp a similar situation occured. I am working on confirmation. The boy is 18. Looking for advice. One, if only the shoplifitng incident took place, are there suggestions for the boy to redeme himself before the two month period for a followup BOR expires? Two, if both incidents took place, does this show a pattern and should the Eagle advancement be denied without a chance for redemtion? Looking for imput!!
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