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Posts posted by keimel

  1. As a youth and younger adult leader, I would usually have two uniforms. One for field, one for more formal events, courts of honor, awards ceremonies, etc. It also helped to have two uniform shirts during the week long camps. Remember, you are sure to make it rain when you hand wash your smelly class A and leave it up to dry overnight.


    It is about the scouts, yes. But there are also adults who do thrive on the recognition. And if those scouters are providing excellent service while earning things, that's fine with me. If they are providing excellent service IN ORDER to earn those things (as the primary reason), that I am not so happy with. But if it takes a couple patches to inspire and motivate someone to enrich themselves and improve the program, so be it. We are all motivated by SOMETHING to do what we do. Whether it's the training of our own children in the program, the helping of all youth, personal satisfaction or fulfillment, parole officers suggestion ;) , or simply "giving back" to the organization, any number of those reasons can motivate us. Additionally, I see that when a pack or troop recognizes its leaders by an award such as this, perhaps more by the unit keeping track than by assigning "tasks for awards" - it's an excellent recognition. A proper pack trainer would make earning such an award invisible to the scouter, almost surprising them with recognition. Honoring the recognition is certainly something worth doing, as others have pointed out.


    I also look at it in another way. It _IS_ for the scouts. And when they're called up to receive their awards, they're getting their own bling. To receive their own awards by someone else bedecked in bling raises the level of pomp and circumstance. "Wow, I've never seen Mr CM in a uniform like that... this must be a special occasion". Yes, each scout earning their awards IS a special occasion, for that scout and their family. And my recognizing that by dressing myself in the most appropriate uniform is warranted.


    Wear it all or not. Wearing it properly is the only requirement. If you want to be a generalissimo, that's fine with me. If you earned 'em, I won't fault you for showing them. More power to you. But don't assume that just because someone else isn't wearing 3 rows of knots that they're not every bit as experienced or knowledgeable as you are about things. I'm learned multiple times to not underestimate people by how they appear... Those are other stories and might have to wait for the campfire or the cracker barrel.







  2. It looks like you cleaned them out! Can't find those in the closeout list any more. Nothing except ladies long sleeve is in the closeout now (uniform wise)




    (I stand corrected (self).) I found a splash page on the front of the scoutstuff site that links to all the BOGO deals...(This message has been edited by keimel)

  3. It seems as though registrations for the forum are back up and running, thus, I'm in! I could have sworn that, years ago, I created an account, but that could have been numerous emails ago. Who knows.


    I'm currently a Committee Chair for the pack, but have had experience in the past as ASM and likely will in the future as my kids move along in their scouting experience.


    I'm in Maine. Cheers to all!

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