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Everything posted by jethehiker

  1. Please do not let my "New member" under my name mislead you and maybe I should explain the breakdown of counting it or not counting it as I remember it. counts: if the Troop or Patrols has to plan a duty roster with tent assignments and KP duty (plan meals/shop) Does not count: if it is a family fun weekend were the only thing the scout has to worry about is on to get there and back. I do believe a Camporee and/or Scout Jamboree counts for nights on a camp out. But it is really left up to you. If a scout is looking for an easy way to advance and the Camporee ro summe
  2. I will say yes for now, but the way my schedule works its never a sure thing were I will be at any given time.
  3. Weekender you are right, however as one of six ASM's we were told by the SM that we could not get involved with the SPL or ASPL. Only the SM was to talk to them about these problems.
  4. IF you do it as a Troop/Patrol, It counts this was discussed to death on Scouters-L over a year ago and that was the out come.
  5. if its between 6:30 PM and 11:00 PM EST count me in.
  6. I am reposted this as a new thread so I do not take away from original topic of "ASPL takeover" We are having a problem; the SPL who happens to be the SM son is not doing anything that is required of the position. We have already lost 1 boy and a good committee member because of lack of a good program and there are a few more boys who have made mention of leaving. When approached (over the past 3 4 months) the SM keeps telling us he will take care of it and will not allow us to intervene. After having an outside mediator (Who is attached to the Troop) come on a campout and talk to the SP
  7. By all means get them involved in some Boy Scout type activities ( Knots, Compass,Cooking or first aid) use the Boy Scout hand book as guidance. It will do 2 things 1. Keep the interested and 2. give them a head start for May x-over. Talk to the parents about summer camp it may be to much at once with x-ing over and a month later going away.
  8. OldGreyEagle, Thank you YIS jethehiker
  9. We are having a similar problem; the SPL who happens to be the SM son is not doing anything that is required of the position. We have already lost 1 boy and a good committee member because of lack of a good program and there are a few more boys who have made mention of leaving. When approached (over the past 3 4 months) the SM keeps telling us he will take care of it and will not allow us to intervene. After having an outside mediator (Who is attached to the Troop) come on a campout and talk to the SPL, we have learned that he very much enjoys Boy Scouts and everything that goes with it. We h
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