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Everything posted by JCYoung

  1. eisely, You don't know how right you are. When submitting my paperwork for Eagle, Counsel did not have one of the Merit badges listed on file and I was lucky that my Mom (being the great keeper of things) had the blue card placed in a photo album she was making for me about my Scouting days.
  2. I am a new Webelos leader and I noticed that there are some descrepancies between the Athlete Requirements in the Webelos Leader Guide and the Webelos hand book. Which one should I go by? The Leaders book Req 2 says While a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout Sports pin for Physical Fitness. and the Boys Handbook says nothing about earning the Cub Scout Sports pin? What to do????
  3. Hi all, I know that I am new to this forum and all but having earned my Eagle Scout when I was 17 years old I saw younger Scouts run into some of the same problems. As Scout Leaders it is our duty to our Scouts to make sure that they truly understand just what is expected and "Required" to advance to the rank of Eagle. Just attending church does not mean that you are living up to the Scout Oath of being reverent any more than by not attending church regularly and yet still holding to your beliefs and possessing a strong positive character that exemplifies what a true Scout is. It c
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