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Everything posted by IceStationZebra

  1. "A single combined Tiger/Wolf/Bear/Webelos den is not a very good idea unless you only have one of each level." ISZ - I did not mean one big combined den, but one den of each. "By organzining, it more to mean help the Webelos den transition from being like Tiger, Wolf, and Bear dens into slowly becoming boy scouts." ISZ - This is what I was thinking, but I figured it goes part-n-parcle with being a Webelos so why call it out specifically? Maybe trying to emphasize that they are different than Tiger/Wolf/Bear? ISZ
  2. I am looking for some clarification on the CM job description, specifically on "help organize a Weblos den." We are a small but established Pack. There is only one Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos 1st year and Webelos 2nd year den. So the boys just stay together as a group as they move to the next level. I am an Eagle Scout but spent less than a year as a Webelos so I have no experience to lean on. Is this something mainly for large packs? Confused, ISZ
  3. We sing "I'm a little tea pot." But we apply it to everyone - scouts, scouters, district. If they are shy we let it die quickly, enough said. ISZ
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