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I B a Scout

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Everything posted by I B a Scout

  1. Hey, Cool, or Eagle, why are you dissing these guys, most are kewl. Why do you do this? I know your posts were removed, they are gonna find you
  2. Thank you Mr Long, as my english teacher says i need to work on my comprehension
  3. Thank you Mr Rooster, you gave me a straight answer, I wasnt sure anybody would do that. I had thought all the guys here spoke straight, I guess thats harder than I thought
  4. So, should the guy be in Boy Scouts or not???
  5. This is great, I have never seen anything like this, you guys really go after each other and the topic, I luv it! So, I am not sure I understand all the things you guys talked about. Is it ok or not for the two to live together and have the guy be in scouts, yes or no?
  6. OK Mr Long, I will pay attention to the categories better next time, I was so excied to see somehtng like this I guess I got carried away. I was off school today sick and found this site. I think I will check it often
  7. I B a Scout


    Gee Mr Rooster, you get around alot, how do you do that double entry thing?
  8. ok Mr Rooster, I think I understand what you mean, but I am not sure I agree. I just found this site and think its kewl, anybody can post a topic and you guys respond. I think thats awesome. Im gonna take a look at all the topics and erad them, you guys seem to have strong opinions TTFN
  9. I have known a few gay adults. One was a teacher who was always afraid he would be found out and lose his job. He was a very nice guy who never tried to "force" himself on us at all. As long as he doesnt preach what he practices, why the big deal?
  10. Are you talking about the "gay" issue? man I would like to see that changed, whats the big idea any way?
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