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About Homeschoolmama

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    Junior Member
  1. Thank you for your response and sharing of information. I've said it before and I'm sure this won't be the last, "Knowledge is power." I am a life-long student and enjoy learning and educating myself and my children. As far as the safety guidelines in the "rogue" group, they are doing a great job. One of the parents is a police officer and is in charge of the "firearms". Thanks for your concern.
  2. Wow, given how old this string is, I certainly didnt expect to have so many responses so quickly. Well, what this tells me is that people are still at least thinking about it. Hi Scoutldr, thank you for your response. While I personally have not found anything that dictates Girl Scouts are prohibited from using BB guns, I have been told by many people in our school that they were told they couldnt. They were also told they could not participate in archery as well as several other items. The leader that told me that had a variety of outdoor interests as well as indoor and was trying to
  3. I've read all the posts regarding girls in Boy Scouts. I only have boys, three in fact. Yet, I think girls should be in the Cub/Boy Scouts program. I also think that boys should be allowed in the Girl Scouts program. Each program offers a unique curriculum for our youth to follow. I believe that people, including our youth, should be allowed to explore their interests. I see no reason why girls can't shoot BB guns, shoot arrows, explore the outdoors, etc. I also see no reason why boys can't learn to cook, sew, practice purity, etc. The Boy Scouts USA Govt. code 36 U.S.C. Sub Secti
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