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Everything posted by ghostdancer

  1. As I stated in an earlier post. "It is in my opinion that scouting is under attack because it is one of the few long standing PRIVATE organizations that has not bent to the wills and wantings of liberal America. It has stood strong for near 100 years without bending or compromising its moral and religeous standards. I myself am conservative as far as the "Gay" ordeal goes. I for one support the decisions made by the courts to give the BSA the right not to allow gays in scouting. If gays want to be part of an organization that is similar in nature to the BSA but more acceptable by liberal
  2. It is in my opinion that scouting is under attack because it is one of the few long standing PRIVATE organizations that has not bent to the wills and wantings of liberal America. It has stood strong for near 100 years without bending or compromising its moral and religeous standards. I myself am conservative as far as the "Gay" ordeal goes. I for one support the decisions made by the courts to give the BSA the right not to allow gays in scouting. If gays want to be part of an organization that is similar in nature to the BSA but more acceptable by liberal standards then by all means seek out t
  3. There was a time in our troop where we did remove and individual from it. Although he was a leader, I think the same process and procedure should be followed. First off the individual was called to a committee meeting with all committee members attending. They then reviewed his case. Trying to see all sides of the coin. Then it was announced that he was to be ejected from the troop. To keep it quiet with the boys the leader and committee came to an agreement that he leave quietly if the boys ask about the situation of him leaving to just tell them he has decided to go to another troop th
  4. I have been scouting for nearly 13 years or better. I have my own scout troop. I for one would welcome a female leader into the troop. I haven't problem with women as leaders, I have a problem with the women leaders who are on their own cruisade to change the face of scouting to what they feel scouting should be all about, throwing many years of tradition out the window and writing their own curriculum.
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