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Ex-Section Chief

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Everything posted by Ex-Section Chief

  1. It seems that this post has split into two different questions; Why is there no Lodge/Chapter Chief Position Patch and When should different shoulder loops be worn. Please allow me try and shine some light into this discussion. The first question of "Why no Lodge/Chapter/Section Chief position patch?" was answered by the 2004 National Vice-Chief who served on the National Advancement Committee (which designates which patches get made) at a National Leadership Seminar last year. The answer is quite simple. As a youth, you wear position patches to designate your position of responsibility which counts towards rank advancement. Neither Chapter/Lodge/Section/National Offices count towards rank advancement so they do not have position patches associated with the office. If you notice at NOAC's or other events when you might see a Regional or National Officer, they wear either a Region Committee or National Committee Patch because they are designated Youth representatives on the committee. That is also why they can wear Gold Shoulder Loops. If your scout executive appoints the Lodge Chief to the Council Committee, then the chief is entitled to all rights as any other council committee member and wear the patch/loops. Same holds true for any Council/Regional/National Venturing President. The second question with the shoulder loops can be found in depth at one of the most in-depth online uniform guides I have been able to find online, http://www.mninter.net/~blkeagle/loops.htm . Throughout time National has gone back and forth on when one should wear various shoulder loops. The CURRENT suggestion is that the shoulder loops "should match the official position you hold within the Movement and preferably the position in which dues have been paid and in which you function." Which can be interpreted to, one should wear the loop of the position in which they are currently serving as. This means that when you are being Assistant Scoutmaster, you should wear red... When you are being a member of a district/council committee, you should wear silver... If you are selected to serve as a section officer... you wear gold. BUT, NOTE: Section Officers are only allowed to wear gold loops when they are within the geographic boundaries of their section. When a section officer goes to a regional/national event... they wear red since their next level of registration is with the unit. Sorry for the long post, but I hope this clears some things up...
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