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Everything posted by enri.arti

  1. Thank you so much! ;-)
  2. And Cornwall? It's more important!
  3. And Cornwall? It's more important!
  4. Anyone of you have got some maps to hiking of Dorset area in England? Or any web link?? Please help me! Thank you very much!
  5. I've understood! I've a question for you Pint: Do you have any map of Dorset zone in file? Or do you have any conctact whit Scout group of that area? Any address? Any web link? Thanks.
  6. Well! I am a scout of the CES! Nice to write you! How far do you live from Brownsea island? Have you ever done a hike in that area? Obviously you attend at the Jamboree, right? Enrico.
  7. 3500 USD is frightening!! Whit so-high price anyone in my group(like say you "district") should leave own ground! I have some question: Do you do activities to finance your travel? Does your district help you for your finance-lack? greeting! P.S.Thank you Crew21_Adv for your welcoming approach! ;-)
  8. Someone tell me American-system. Let's ask me something!
  9. Thank you very much Pint! Almost like in Italy: here Beaver Scout age is 5 to 8, Cub age is 8 to 12, Scout age 12 to 16 and then Explorer Scout(here: Rover Scout)16 to 20. Male and Female are mixed and totally equal! The rest is identical. Are you of the C.E.S.(Confdration Europenne de Scoutisme)? This summer are you going to be at Brownsea?
  10. I can explain to you italian-scout-system, But do you teach me yours?? PLEASE!:-)
  11. It's right! But have you to go this summer? How much have you to spend? We, from Italy, 500euro about! It's an incredible opportunity take part to the centenary camp!
  12. I'm 19 years old and I'm a Rover..
  13. Hello! I'm Enrico, I came from Italy. I am a scout since I was 7 years old! You? Tell me something and become friends!
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