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Posts posted by dsantos

  1. I have a red beret and a blue "den mother's" cub scout beret. I usually wear the blue one because I'm a cub leader, even though it is "technically" a "woman's" piece of headgear. However, when I wear either beret I roll and stow it under my left shoulder epaulet if it is not on my head. I was talking about this beret at round table last night with one of the "Ol' Timers" and while he didn't really care about the "gender issue" he did ask me if I was "supposed" to wear it on my shoulder. I replied that this is what I have seen on numerous scout websites (domestic and foreign) and that I have never seen any direct "regulation" prohibiting it. Now, this gentleman is definitely not a UP'er (and I'm not talking Michigan, either.) He, like myself, takes pride in the proper wearing of the uniform as a tool to instill pride in appearance and pride in scouting into the boys (and other leaders.) My question is, is the wearing of the beret rolled up on the shoulder "against uniform regs?"


    Somewhat related: I have heard that sashes and "garrison caps" may not be work draped over the waist belt so it wouldn't surprise me if someone veto'd wearing the beret rolled on the shoulder.

  2. I do not think you realize just how much coordination & work is involved in a Pancake Breakfast or a Spaghetti Dinner!


    Good point....I hadn't thought about the whole "foodservice legal" aspect of it. My son's pack is sponsored by the school PTA and while access to the kitchen/cafeteria facilities shouldn't be much of an issue, I immagine that the state has some laws about food handling and prep, etc. Bummer.....seemed like a good idea.....but so was tying the bell to the cat....

  3. Thanks all for the advice. Further investigations into the total duties of the "Pack Growth Coordinator" reveal that this is a full time job for more than 1 person. My game plan for now is to simply put together schedules and programs, etc, and then hand them off to the CC for her to delegate to the best fitted person for the job. My son's den leader informed me, at his den meeting on monday, that she wants me to take over the den next year, and all the other parents were in favor of it. Being an assistant cubmaster afforded me a lot of "overlap" into other duties and positions since it didn't require any major amount of direct focus on any one small group. Being a den leader is obviously more specialized, and therefor doesn't leave much time for anything else......and that is as it ought to be. But hopefully I can get as much training in as possible beforehand and set in place enough of a foundation so as to make the next person's job easier....

  4. I don't know how many boys were selling popcorn. I do know that the pack budget plans are all "above board." I am not talking about a big "GO OUT AND SELL SELL SELL" fund raiser every month. I was thinking more along the lines of bake sales, pancake breakfasts, spaghetti dinners, etc where the average minimum cost is $5.00. Families out to eat anyway, why not one dinner or 1 breakfast per month, by scouts for scouts. Instead of $12 to $20 per person at the Olive Garden, Mom and Dad (and anyone else who would like to come.....hint hint new scouts) shell out $5.00 per head for "All you can eat spaghetti night" where their scout is now a waiter. Families get family time, Mom or Dad don't have to cook or pay out a butt-load of cash, the scout gets to learn to work to pay his own way, and the pack puts a little coin away to help out with pack dues or whatever else.....


    Trust me, the last thing I'd like to do is pile another selling fundraiser on this community.


    Personally, I always look for a buyout option......

  5. I'm new to my pack, and I recently attended a committee meeting where all the adult leaders startind griping about money woes. They were complaining that pack fees would need to be increased, den dues would go up, parents and adult leaders don't want to shell out $$$ for uniform components, scouts have to pay for their derby cars, etc etc. I joined as ACM, but am now also an ADL, Pack Growth Coordinator, and Pack Outing Coordinator, and am starting to take on the duties of Pack Trainer. Looking in the Leader's Guide, it states that fundraisers should only be performed because there is a "legitimate" need for the funds. Personally, I consider uniforms, books, materials, dues, and anything else that the pack/troop/unit can pay for (in order to keep the burden off the parents and volunteers and thereby attract more kids to the program) are "legitimate." Is this a typical opinion or would "Council" disagree?


    By the way, I asked my CC about what the unit does for fundraising, and she said that all they do is popcorn. Granted, this pack did 11K is sales this year, it's not like all that money goes to the unit......

  6. Yes, it is CPR as well. I believe cost is $20 per head.


    An update to the situation with my CC, we had our committee mtg last night and I had a 3-way meeting with the CM, CC, and myself. Both apologized to me for the outburst and for the lack of support, and I acknowledged that I am too motivated and need to turn it down a notch or 2. I am now Assistant Cubmaster, Assistant Den Leader for my son's den, Pack Growth Coordinator, Outing Planner, and possibly the Pack Trainer. In the end, it all comes down to putting personal feelings and politics aside, and having some honest communication.

  7. Kramr1,

    Sounds similar to my current issue with my son's pack. You've run into what is known a "Good Ol' Boy System." In my opinion, this system is a killer in any organization. It is basically made up of people who think way too highly of themselves, stubbornness, and politics. You are what is referred to as the "FNG" or "Flippin New Guy." You don't really matter in this system because you are new and obviously don't know anything about anything. (I hope you picked up on the Sarcasm.)


    At my son's first den meeting his den leader was late, she was not in uniform, and she had nothing planned except to make some bug-head pencils with glue and googlie eyes.. At his first pack meeting he received his Bobcat (my fiancee and I worked with him extensively for 2 weeks.) The "Advancement Ceremony" was a farce. Since then (October) he has had 1 other den meeting and 1 outing. I volunteered to be the Asst Cubmaster, because they said they really needed one. Since I volunteered, I have taken all the online courses, attended PowWow, and am signed up for Leader Specific Training this weekend and First Aid the following weekend. Every idea I bring up to my Cubmaster or to my Commitee Chairwoman gets rejected. I am being both praised for my enthusiasm, and then stonewalled/stalled/micro-managed on everything. Most recently, I was reprimanded by my Committee Chairwoman for trying to do something that I was asked to do by her and by the Cubmaster. My son's den leader had to take a couple months off and there was some confusion over who was filling in. I volunteered to do it, they (CC and CM) approved, and I began planning a short notice den meeting and outing. After planning it all, and including the Den Leader in the e-mails, and getting the OK's and thank you's from the parents, the Den Leader came in and said that she was back and that she was doing the den meeting at her house. I backed off because it is her den, and I communicated to the parents that I was on-board with the Den Leader. I did let my CM know that I was a little frustrated by the whole affair. My CC decided to reprimand me about my "Attitude Problem" and remind me that everyone here is a volunteer. Vent Vent Vent!


    Ok, so now that I've vented, I feel a little better. I guess the bottom line is that Scouts belongs to the kids, not the adults. The pack doesn't "belong" to the CC or the CM or the DE, it belongs to the kids. We, as adult leaders, MUST put aside our own feelings and differences and power struggles, and focus on how to deliver this program to the kids in the best way possible. Not the easiest, or most convenient way, but the BEST way. The new people with the fresh sets of eyes can often make the greatest contributions. I've been doind my job as an engineer for 7 years. Every now and the I hit a snag and someone comes over and finds the problem (that I've been working on for 2 days) is about 20 seconds. Fresh set of eyes. I stay up till midnight sometimes going over my leaders guide, and I volunteer for every bit of training I can. Why? To make myself a better leader so that I can deliver more to the kids. I spent way too much money on a full uniform. Why? To lead by example so these kids pull their pants up and wear a belt when they turn 18. I am constantly looking for feedback and input from other Scouters. Why? Because they know and see things that I don't, and they can make my kids' program better by sharing. If you really feel that your son's den leader is delivering a poor quality program, escalate it. If your CM and CC refuse to do anything, let them know that you plan to bring it higher. No one likes to shine a light on the bad stuff in their pack, but occasionally it needs to be done.


  8. HI all. I'm an Asst Cubmaster, and I'm new at the adult leader role. How long should a pack meeting last? My Cubmaster refuses to go over 1 hour. Is this normal? I seem to remember them being longer (and a lot more fun) when I was a kid.

  9. I am hunting for an olive or tan necktie (not the kelley green, or brown.) If anyone has one that they are willing to part with, please name a (reasonable) price.



  10. Hi all.... I'm a bit new at this. My sons pack is a really good pack. There are over 80 boys, and last year they had 2 full 2nd year webelos dens that all made the jump to boyscouts. Uniforming is definitely not their strong suit. I see a lot of untucked shirts, missing hats, dissheveled neckerchiefs, and missing/incorrectly placed insignia. But my issue is more with the adult leaders than with the boys. The pack committee decided to change the uniform requirements to make hats, pants, socks, and belts optional for both adults and kids. I disagree with this, but I understand the financial reasoning. My issue is that many of the adult leaders show up to pack meetings in a uniform shirt and jeans. Some don't even tuck their shirts in. Now I am far from being a member of the infamous and notorious UP, but I believe that adults are ALWAYS setting the example whether or not we want to. I also believe that adults should always try twice as hard as the kids. I suggested that the adult leaders stop wearing jeans at pack meetings and all wear either uniform pands or a suitable substitute, aka khakis, cargo pants, etc. I am being told that jeans are "good enough."


    So my question is this. Am I out of line in tactfully reminding this pack leadership that our motto is "do our best" and not "do our good enough."

  11. Hi all. I'm Dave. My son just joined Cubscouts (Wolf) and subsequently I've just recently gotten back into scouting as the asst. cubmaster. I got my wolf and bear and was working for my webelos when i left scouts as a kit. I have tons of questions and tons of ideas. Any advice is welcomed.

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