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    • Me too, except the pdf of the G2SS is WAYYYYY out of date. https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/gss/ This is a huge foul.  We often take trips to places with no cell/data service.  I download the pdf to my phone for reference whilst out and about.
    • @Chisos is correct.  You cannot take a CC off and leave the position blank. You should be able to drag and drop the new CC first, save the change, then expire the outgoing CC position by moving them to Unit Scouter Reserve. 
    • As COR you should be able to move them around in the Position Manager screen.  Drag the name tiles to where they need to be, then "Save Changes" on the bottom right.  Be sure you're in the "Registered Positions" side and not the "Functional Roles" side. It probably won't let you save if you don't have a "legal" roster (ie, a SM, CC, two more committee members). As @skeptic said I'd just move the retiring CC to MC or Unit Scouter Reserve then let them drop off at recharter.  They've already paid for the year, and you're not getting a refund.
    • Been a while since I did that type of thing, and it may have changed.  But we always had to wait to remove them at recharter unless we asked the council office registrar to do it manually.  Unless it is serious issue, just wait would be my thought.  Others more involved in modern paper work likely can give better answers.  
    • Hey All,  I'm the COR for our troop and need some help with handling some Roster / Position Management issues.  Our CC is retiring as is her husband an MC and our Treasurer is stepping down as well.   I can't seem to find in My.Scouting where I can remove them from their positions.  There is a "plus sign with arrows" type icon next to everyone's name on the left but it doesn't seem to do anything except move that person around on the screen.  The "minus sign" to the right of their name looks like it "expires" their position but when I try that I get a "NOT FOUND" message.  I know that I can "end memberships" in Scoutbook but I was always told that SB is only a reflection of My.Scouting and changes need to be made there.  Don't know for sure if these 3 people are leaving the BSA entirely, but if not.... would "expiring" or "ending membership" take them out of the troop only ?  I can't imagine a COR or CO can end a person's BSA membership, but I'm not sure on that either.   Thanks for the help, as always.  
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