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calendar year/ fiscal year/ 100 years

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This may be the wrong forum, but figured it was more about how BSA as conducting this particular 100 year program than about the patch itself or any connection to advancement.


The 100 year patch/ Year of Celebration patch:




So, how exactly is BSA counting the requirements for this? I mean, specifically, this patch is based on the calendar year of 2010, but that calendar year is split in half at June 1st by two seperate fiscal scout years, as well as rank advancement for Cub scouts and possibly rank for Boy scouts.


So you have Cub Scouts who may have started working on thjose requirements as Tigers, woilves or Bears who will become Wolves, Bears , and Webelos on june 1st .


Well, they may not become that rank until September depemnding on your pack... buyt it still splits the "Patch year" with two different "Scout years" /


That makes sensre to anybody?

Usually, stuff you work on at one rank does not carry over to the next rank. IE: Anything my son has done so far as a Bear will not cout for anything in his WEbelos rank.


But since the 2010 year is disected by the scout year, will there be an exception for the 100 year /Year of celebration patch?


Or does it mean any CUB scouts who ( up til now) completed any requirements ..up to 4 of them..have to start all over again after June 1st as it is a new rank year?


In case you are wondering, we are not making it a DEFCOM-5 priority or anything like that, but our pack has worked on and completes a few already. Hoestly, we are more oriented to the projects than we are the patch.. but some of us started wondering.

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This is a special, one time only, award. It has it's own rules and requirementss. The rules for regular BSA awards do not apply to it. You don't have to earn the ribbons. Anyone can purchase a patch from their local Scout shop and wear it as a temporary patch.


Ribbons are earned by completing 3 requirements for each ribbon. Once a ribbon is earned it is earned. You can not earn a ribbon more than once.


There is only 1 set of requirements for Cub Scouts, 1 for Boy Scouts, 1 for Venturers, 1 for Adult Leaders, and 1 for Alumni. Tigers have the same requirements as Webelos so there should be no problem when they change Cub levels. For a Webelos moving to Boy Scouts, BSA addresses that in the FAQ on the award. It states -


"Can a Cub Scout carry over completed requirements to a Boy Scout troop?

Yes. Before the Cub transitions from their den to their troop, their completed requirements must be entered. Go here to enter the completed requirements, and indicate that no ribbons were completed. You may print a record of this by clicking on the Print an order form link. Then, it is the responsibility of the Cubs parent or guardian to notify the troops Scoutmaster that he is coming in with completed requirements which do count toward a Year of Celebration ribbon."


So basically, if a Scout completes 2 of the 3 requirements for a ribbon as a Cub Scout, using the Cub Scout requirements, then crosses to Boy Scouts, the remaining 1 requirement is then completed using the Boy Scout requirements.


Edited to add that BSA describes the award, and it's requirements fairly well on it's 100 year site. You can read all about it here -







(This message has been edited by Scoutnut)

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