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"but were nonetheless required to register with the other unit also."


That is because basically the LDS uses the BSA units as part of their youth program for boys. I assume that means that all the boys in their program are automatically being registered in the pack/troop/team/crew of their ward.



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Yes, again emb021 is right.


Our SOP on rechartering is to match the church youth group's membership list to the charter roster, with the addition of any non-LDS Scouts we have participating.


No comment on the 2 troops thing since I haven't run into that problem yet. I do have youth co-registered in Varsity Teams, Venturing Crews, and Learning For Life units. Some of these units are non-LDS.


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Scouts can't be in two different troops at the same time. We ran into that problem recently trying to train up a troop for another LDS branch. They were ready to stand alone, and thought they had been for a few months when they found out they were denied because someone in the scout office thought they were trtying to "poach" boys from my branch's unit. We got it fixed, but it was frustrating.


You've gotten sound advice from others, so I'll just add my agreement. Work with the boys and their parents and church leaders, but in the end it is still a non LDS unit so you should aim for what works best for all the scouts. This can be a chance for all the boys to learn about each others' faiths. Sadly, I know of some LDS scouts who could use just this kind of experience.

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