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74 year ACTIVE scouter passes away

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Whats amazing about this man is he passed away right after the troop took the road for their annual 10 day summer camp in Colorado, the family has been so mindful of Bos' connection they are waiting till everyone is back and has a chance to shower before holding the funeral.

He truly is a amazing leader and inpiration to all who knew him. Any Many knew him from far and wide.

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I received the following e-mail, which I would like to pass on:


Hello to All!


It is my hope that this email will be sent out to the far reaching

corners of the Bo Network so that those of you who are not local can

appreciate the events that took place yesterday, Bo's day of rest.


The service at the church was right on the mark. The eulogy delivered

by scouter Dave Thomas was right on the mark. Dave did some of his own

research and painted a wonderful image of Bo and all that he did for

Scouting over the past 74 years. The affirmation of faith was replaced

with the Scout oath and it was very impressive to turn and see that


individuals reciting the Oath in their uniforms and with their right

hands up and with the scout salute. The minister added his own

perspective of Bo and that too was a wonderful tribute to a man loved


so many. The music was upbeat and included guitars, drums and piano.


organ music was a mandatory request from Bo himself. I wasn't about to

go against him either!!


Bo's other request was to have him leave the church to the music of the

St. Louis Blues. He got his wish. The weather all day yesterday

morning was threatening rain and it did actually rain as the service

started. As we all left the church and started the procession to the

grave site, the weather was threatening rain and judging by the clouds

it was going to be heavy. Oh no, Bo would have none of that and in the

short time it took to reach the grave site, the weather had done a


about face. The sun had split the clouds, blue sky behind those clouds

and just enough humidity to remind us all we were in Texas in June.


graveside service was very well done and the closing moments were for

all of us to listen to TAPS being blown on the bugle by Grant Kee, a

scouter with excellent bugle abilities. I want all of you to take this

next paragraph and form the image they create in your mind.


The family is sitting facing the casket, the pallbearers are standing

just the other side of the casket and Grant is behind them under shade

tree. The sun is shining brightly and all of the rain clouds are well

off to the East. The bugle begins its melody of TAPS and all 8

pallbearers who are Scouts from all levels, one by one snap a salute to

Bo. Without question for me, it was the most fitting moment and


that I experienced in all of the past 7 months and it was a moment that

shall remain with me for the rest of my life.


Bo's third and final request was for all of his family and friends to

meet at a pub and "hoist a beer for Bo". Many of us retreated to the

site of Bo fest 1 & 2 and although not there in first person, his


was all over that pub last night. We hoisted many a mug and glass and

told a few Bo stories. It was a fitting end to a glorious day. He

would have been damn proud of the day and yes, I believe he would have

approved of it all.


Kim, Loren and I would like to deeply thank all of you no matter where

you are for your love and support over these past months and

specifically the past 3 weeks. We have cards and emails from all over

the country and it continues to amaze us just how far Bo could reach


what he did for people, especially scouters. There is no doubt that he

has touched thousands of lives over the past 74 years and he will be

fondly remembered by everyone of them.


It is hard to believe that we have laid him to rest and that this ride

is now over. I expect this to be the last broadcast email that comes

from this computer. I would do it all over again exactly the way it


done. He deserved the best care, he deserved the best support and

remember he did exactly that for countless families in the DFW area


their loved ones were ill or they had problems and needed someone to

talk it out. For Steve and I, we did was what comes natural and a way

to somehow repay the man for all he did for everyone in their time of



I will close by simply saying thank you. Each of you played a part in

Bo's life and now you are part of ours. We love you.


Pepper, Kim, Loren Hitchcock

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