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Hi rednosepit welcome to the forum. Is there some kind of story behind your username?


Anyway, I believe I can answer some of your questions but first I want to clarify some terminology. CO stands for Chartered Organization. So the CO is the entity that charters the unit and is not a person. IH is the Institutional Head of the CO. The IH is a person. For example, if the CO is a church, then the IH may be its pastor. The Chartered Organization Representative (COR) is a member of the CO and the liason between the CO and the council and the CO and the unit.


Now, the COR works at the pleasure of the CO, so the IH can remove the COR at any time. When it comes down to the brass tacks, the COR really has no say in it whatsoever.


Can the CO revoke the charter at any time? I'm not really sure on this. The CO agrees to the charter on a yearly basis. I don't know what legal requirements there are with this agreement the CO has made with BSA. Of course, the IH can decide not to recharter when the charter is up for renewal.



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A COR would serve as the discretion of the CO.

The issue of revoking the charter is more complicated.

"A charter is granted to a chartered organization by the Boy Scouts of America to operate a Pack, Troop, Team or Crew using the BSA's programs.


A Chartered Organization has three principal responsibilities:


* provide a safe meeting place

* select. adult leaders who meet BSA's and the chartered organization's standards, and

* follow the policies and guidelines of the Boy Scouts of America."


Technically a CO cannot "revoke" a charter since it is issued by the BSA.

But the CO does own the unit (troop, pack, crew) and equipment such unit has. If the CO decided to it could easily abandon the unit, take the equipment it owns and leave the members without a place to meet. In essence without a paddle. While this is unlikely, it could happen.


Lesson - always have personal equipment marked as such.

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