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What hooks work to keep the program bouncing?

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My Troop needs some hooks to keep the Scouts involved and committed.


Ordinarily this would come from their enthusiasm for advancement but the next generation of Troop leaders is not at present very advancement oriented. They love the adventure but really don't want to prepare for or organise it.


We have had some success with weekend camps and some evening programs but I need some more ideas for the PLC to ponder


So what activities have worked to keep your Troop focussed and active over a two-three month period? Not major events but achievable, fun and exciting activities?

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Patrol Competitions generated a lot of excitement and Patrol identity for us!


My Scouts' favorite prize was always a trip to play laser tag :-/


We ran our Patrol Competitions for two months to cover one season with a month between competitions (when we ran them back to back).


It helps to have physical objects to hang on the Patrol Flags to count the number of points earned. You can structure the colors of these feathers or bits of ribbon to represent the skill for which it was won, with a bead to represent the season in which it was earned and the color yarn to represent the year. You would be surprised at how proud Scouts become of their Patrol Flag!


The whole idea is to reinforce behaviors that you would like to see in your Troop. For me, this was songs, "new" Scout games, and tarp shelters. Weekly ribbons tended to reward preparation, and the larger monthly campout ribbons rewarded implementation.


In a true Patrol Competition, you can only add points and never take them away.


For details, see:




The first time you do it, it helps to have most of the details worked out before you introduce it to the PLC. I'm surprised that you use the term "PLC" for "Court of Honor" down-under :-)





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Hi Kudu,

we don't use PLC or Court of Honour at all. We have a Troop Council and that is it. I was trying to use your terms as previously Aussie terms have just gotten the topic off track. Seems I missed (again).


Patrol comp is good. We do this already. Some differences but I think the prize could be up'd as you suggest.


Patrol comp needs attention. See my new years resolution.

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Seasons Greetings Sport,

I don't know very much about Scouting down under!! But I'm thinking it is more like the Pommie Scouts?

I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the changes that Scouting in the UK has made in the last couple of years.

From what I've read there seems to be a big swing from advancement toward participation. The age groups have changed a lot and several other things have also changed. Of course not being there and not working with the changes it wouldn't be fair of me to pass any comment.

I know you all changed the uniform of your Scouts a little while back, but I don't know what changes you made to the program?

I'm not that very clever or smart!! So when things don't seem to be going right I fall back to the basics.

Grab hold of a copy of Scout Pioneering by John Sweet. It comes up on E-bay from time to time. I think Scouts Canada still sells it (The UK book is the same but a little bigger in size, same number of pages) Pioneering books by Rex Hazelwood & John Thurman are also very good.

It might be time to take a look at cooking and try new things. Pigeons cooked in mud or pigs cooked in a hole.

Have the PL's work on a real Orienteering course over a very large area and then have the rest of the troop have a contest.

If the Troop is young you might want to do some tracking?

If you are in town? Maybe a Left Right hike.

Most kids love water so anything in water works, Water fights using Fairy Liquid bottles are a blast.

Night Hikes can be a lot of fun and cell phones have made them a lot safer.

I have yet to get into all the new GPS stuff but it looks like it can be used to have fun.

Yes I know all this stuff is kinda old, but it can still provide a lot of fun and learning for our Scouts.


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Quite right Eamonn,


basics is best. I train adults and youths at work and always tend toward achievement of recordable results. We always have fun but the tendancy does limit my brainstorming.


Which is why I ask the forum members for help. Flying a bit solo here so keep the ideas coming pls.


Birds in mud, large scale orienteering and pioneering with rubber bands and gum tree sticks are now on the list.



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