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Inspiring Cross-over ceremony

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When my boys cross over just over 2 years ago I found several ceremonies on ScoutXing.com that were great. I gave them to the boys and let them pick. They selected one named for Neil Armstrong.

Since we had talked to the troop. They sent their SPL to our meeting and he sat down with out boys and made the plans. It was great for our boys to see that, like we had been saying when they went to Boy Scouts they were the ones that had to make the plan.

We did our part of the crossover and then they were presented to the SM by the SPL and ASPL. The other scouts presented them with their troop scarves and books. At that time we left the Pack meeting and joined the troop for a meeting with parents and for the SM to explain how different the troop would be run that how they had been accustom to things with the Pack. He also made it clear that while he welcomed all parents helping that from this point on the troop was run by the boys for the most part and it they wanted to work with the troop they were expected to take training.

all of our adults except on are registered with the troop and have had at lease Committee training.


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