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This is from the perspective of an ex-Cub leader and ex-Scoutmaster...


You've got a couple of conflicting demands- the Scout leaders want to show off their unit, while the Cubs are looking for a solid program, not a showcase night.


I think I would try something along these lines:


Pre-opening- Greet parents and Webelos. Give each family an informational packet (roster, calendar, 'FAQ's'). Invite parents over for coffee/tea and to seperate them from the youth a little.


Have some sort of game going on that Webelos can reasonably join- I admit nothing leaps to mind, though!


Opening- just a nice, sharp opening ceremony.


After the opening, seperate the parents. Give themn a tour of the next activities, troop facilities, etc. Give them a chance to sit and ask questions, see photos, discuss gear lists, etc. Aim to rejoin the group so the parents can watch the game.


Break-out groups- invite the Webelos to join in the New Scout Patrol's break-out session, or another group where there is some stuff going on that is hands-on and would interest the Webelos. Here is their first chance to scope out the unit at work.


Patrol corners- have a junior leader or two take the Webelos aside and show them photos and examploes of the stuff the troop does- summer camp, high adventure, service projects, etc. Have a Q&A session.


Game- choose a game that the Webelos can join in reasonably fairly, either as a team or distributed on other teams.


Closing- sharp ceremony, announcements, thank yous to the visitors


Cracker barrel- as Scouts are cleaning up, invite Cubs aside for a small snack and a chance to talk to the adult and junior leaders along with their parents.

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