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Camp Promotions Chairmen ???

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Get clear with your program chairman or DE exactly what the responsibilities are. Our district has redefined the normal BSA job descriptions and moved Cub Scout day camp and Boy Scout Camporee from Activities and Civic Service to Camp Promotion.

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I have served on our Council Camping Committee. When I was on the District Camping Committee. I was there as the District Representative for Cub Scouting.

I have to admit at that time Cub Scout Camping was looked upon as the poor relation of that committee.

We now have a Boy Scout and a Cub Scout Camp promotion video. The Boy Scout video is available for Scoutmasters to show as they please. The plan was for each troop to have their own copy. Promoting Boy Scout camp at this time is not that urgent as the numbers are really good. Many of our troops sign up for the same week at the same site next year before they leave this year. This is good for the Camp, but I'm not so sure about being good for the Scouts.

We do have a high adventure committee that plans Council expeditions to the high adventure bases.

The Cub Scout numbers are not that great. At this time we ask the packs to invite the Cub Scout Camp Promotion Team (In our District 3 Cub Scouters who have enjoyed Cub Scout Camp.) To a pack meeting. Normally one of the team attends armed with the video. Which he shows and then answerers questions and leaves the parents with a handout.

Cub Scout packs can also request the Cub Scout Camping Place mat to use at their Blue and Gold. This is free and has all the information about Cub Scout Camp.

In the spring there is a special edition of the Council Newspaper that goes to every Scout or Cub Scout, it outlines the programs offered at camp the cost and details about what to take and what not to take.

While I no longer sit on the camping committee, I think that we need to rethink summer camp. We spent a lot of time and money getting the Scouts to go to camp but seem to forget that they are paying guests. They are customers and we need to treat them as such.

Cub Scout packs seem to either support the idea of resident camp or opt to ignore it. As none of the activities offered are Pack Activities, we might do better to sell the idea of Cub Camping to the family of the Cub Scout and not focus on the pack. We used to have a 1 on 4 leader to boy ratio, but for some reason went to a 1 on 5. I don't know why. Last year the Cub Scout Camps started on Saturday not Sunday, this meant that adults staying didn't need to take as much time off work.

I hope this helps.


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