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Service Project Repository

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I'm working on a project with a major national publication which has regional editions (it's not a done deal yet so I can't mention the publicaton) to publicize youth group service projects on a local basis. The idea is that members of a given community like to know what good is being done there and by what groups. Also, some projects, esp. Eagle projects, require assistance and/or donations of money and/or goods from members of the community. Those in a position to help simply need the information. We will give it to them.

I have added some forums to my website (http://www.dutyandhonor.com) where Scouting and other youth organizations can post information about service projects *in progress or upcoming* to aid in gathering information for the column which has a working title of "At Your Service." (I'm sure that will change.) Please don't post projects you have already completed. Use http://www.goodturnforamerica.org for that (Boy Scouts only).

I am asking Scout and other youth group leaders to please post enough details so that I can determine the state, city and community where the project is going to be done and details of each project. I will be able to elaborate in each column about a few projects and list the rest, and interested readers can visit the website for more details.

Over time I hope this will become a valuable resource for youth organizations but it's nothing right now...I needScouters to start using it and pass this message on to others that might be interested. If you have contacts at your Council that can pass it on to other units, that would be great too.

You will find some writings on the site that you may or may not agree with...the basic premise of the site is that Scouting grows better kids. I try to stay away from most politics but sometimes fail. Whether you agree or not, please post on the blog or forums and *please* use the service project forums.

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"I'm working on a project with a major national publication which has regional editions (it's not a done deal yet so I can't mention the publicaton) to publicize youth group service projects on a local basis."


I read some at both sites. It looks good so far. When you secure your deal, let us know.



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