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We take the bad with the good?

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Got home from our 2nd meeting of the new troop we just started up (GS grades 4-8) and discovered my wallet was missing.


Now, I had my wallet when I got into the car - I always reach into my purse to dig my keys out from under my wallet, dug into my purse, didn't find my keys, and remembered I had them in my pocket. Got in the car with two girls I was driving (they are sisters - the older one was elected SPL, and the other was elected Treasurer). Dropped the younger one off at her dad's house. Drove over to my friend's house to pick up my daughter - the older girl got out of the car with me to go up to the house saying she "didn't want to be in the car by herself". I left my purse in the car and locked the doors. (It was after dark). Got back to my car with older girl and my daughter. Both chose to sit in the back seat.

Older girl said her mom said she could go to her auntie's house - drove there - (two blocks from her home) - got out to check with the aunt to make sure a follow-up call was made home, but when we got to the door, she found out her cousins weren't there so she wanted to go home instead saying that her cousins were probably over there. The girls live on my block. So, drove her home, watched her go up to the door, but she didn't go inside. Mom waved to me from the doorway, the girl went to the front steps of the house next door to hang out with some friends.

I drove around the block to go home. Got out of the car. Wallet was gone.

I'm pretty upset...their mom says she will talk to the girls because "she can get more out of them I will be able to". Been about an hour since I talked to her - no phone call from the mom yet. I phoned in a police report on a "missing item".

We are supposed to be going to the observatory tomorrow night (both the Brownie troop and this new troop). Right now, I'm feeling like I don't want to take these girls *anywhere*. Just wondering, what would you do? If this has happened in your troop, what did you do, and how did things turn out?

Just wonderin,

Peace out,

Anne in Mpls

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Sounds like circumstantial evidence and I won't even convict my kids on circumstantial evidence. However, circumstatial evidence will prompt me to launch an investigation that rivals the Spanish inquistion.


That said, I'd keep my eyes on those girls.



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Called mom this morning - she greeted me happily until I asked how her conversation with the daughter had gone - turns out the daughter lied to her mother, saying I had shown up and told her I *found* my wallet in my car. No such thing happened and mom hit the roof so to speak when she discovered she'd been so blatantly lied to. She asked me to stop by after my trip to replace my DL so that's where I'm headed now. I'm praying on all of this, though I'm really kindof at a loss even how to pray...add yours too if you could please.

Peace out,

Anne in Mpls

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