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"They have the values I want them to have, in part from Scouting."


Reading that made me wonder just how often we might lose sight of the values that our sons and the young men in our charge gain just from being in Scouting and being a part of a troop. The Eagle, while a pinnacle to which some will strive, is not necessarily the only measure by which we will know what these young men have gained through Scouting. And it should not be held up as such. The young man who achieves his Star or Life Rank by 18, participating to his best ability, enthusiatically and willingly, may gain more from Scouting than many who see the Eagle as the only target, and miss the scenery and experience along the way.


Yes, the Eagle is a noble goal. But getting the absolute most out Scouting is better. And it doesn't necessarily take an Eagle award to get there.

(This message has been edited by saltheart)

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