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Lost Our District Executive!

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Well, we didn't misplace him. Another DE PROMOTED!


This one will be supervising DEs in the two top districts in the council.


An excellent young man who has done excellent work. I wouldn't be surprised if he winds up a Council Executive or similar senior position.


But now we have to break in a new DE. Interviews are happening as I understand it --- although I'm not part of that.



So what are the tricks and methods of welcoming and getting a new DE started?

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If it a brand new DE who hasn't gone to PDL-1 yet, so technically they are an "Executive Trainie" it may depend upon what experience and background they have. I've met some with no expereince, some with youth only expereince, and some who were very active volunteers.


For all I recommend having some patience and giving them a complete as possible briefing on your responsibilities and situation: good, bad, and ugly. For complete newbies with no experience, I'd also recommend them getting basic trained in all the areas: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing. When I went through PDL-1 it was required t get the training before going, but I have been told that it not the current case. Luckily I already had SMF and EBLT, and just needed the CSBLT. Gave me a very good foundation on all the program areas, and going through the CSBLT training helped make relationships on the CS side of things. Also offering to help staff the outdoor portion of SMF, IOLS today, after getting off the plane from PDL-1 also helped develop relationships, and prove to some folks that yes I actually knew what I was talking about.


For those with experience, both new DEs coming form another area as well as Pros who have been at it for a while, be open and receptive to their ideas. One of the challenges I had was folks are set in their ways, and didn't really want to try new things. Grant you each area is different, and some ideas that work in one area may not work in another, but give it some though, and be receptive.


One thing not to do if you have a brand new, unmarried DE is the following: Do not try setting them up with your daughters and/or nieces. AH carumba.

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My district has a critical need to find out how English speaking units can effectively recruit and reatin Hispanic youth and families. We have lots of schools that are 60% Hispanic and 10% white, and recruiting from the 10% folks isn't very effective.


And the Hispanic demographic is continuing to grow ----rapidly.


So I'm campaigning for our next DE to be Hispanic, or at least well qualified and capable of figuring out how we can do a much better job with Hispanic families.


I e-mailed the District Chair, District Commissioner, the Director of Field Services and the Council Membership Vice President on this, since I understand they are interviewing new DEs now.


If our district can figure out how to do this job right, the methods could be expanded to the good many other districts in the council that need to learn how to do this as well.





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