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Man Scouts (spinoff)

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For the troop level man scout, this is where a UC could coach him back to the ways should be ran and into some more training. If that doesn't work in my opinion the CO is not living up to the charter agreement "Conduct the Scouting program according to its own policies and guidelines as well as those of the Boy Scouts of America". The UC should bring this to the attention of the DCommish and the DE, and they should insist on having the first to the committee and then to the COR and IH.




I had thought about coming back to scouts for a while but wasn't sure what I wanted to do. With my wifes work schedule, and the weekend trips to see our families, I just couldn't see me working with a troop.


I started looking at how a troop is supposed to be ran, on this and other forums and BSA info, and soon discovered the troop I had as a kid wasn't ran the way it should of been, and almost every post I came across about troops like mine, one of the answer was always talk to your UC. So I looked up what a UCs job was and decided it was for me. Don't get me wrong I love my troop and always had a great time, but I feel I missed out on part of the leadership and planning training by having an adult ran troop.


The "Commissioner Helps for Packs, Troops, and Crews", the Unit Worksheets, and the unit self assessment worksheet are what I use to get started. If I need something more, with the state of the commissioner service in my district, I usually turn to posts here and questions over on Ask Andy at netcommish.com, and try to find a similar problem, Eamonn usually has sound commissioner advice.


With only one year of experience, by the book is where I start but also use references listed above.


The first thing that I told the leaders of the units that I work with is that I was there to help in any way that I can, I have no authority to tell them they must do anything I will only offer suggestions, and if they ever have a problem with me let me know, and if that doesn't help the problem my boss in scouting is the district commissioner and her name is xxxxxxx.


I am not a UC to tell unit leaders what to do or earn a chest full of knots, I do it because I saw that I could of had a better experience in scouting than I did, and want to help leaders to get to a point where the boys in those units can have that experience.


My goals right now are helping my units earn the centennial quality award, help in the transition from 2 broken troops to one troop that will be one life support, figuring out what awards my leaders might have qualified for before the yearly turn in at next roundtable, and pushing my DE to set a up a meeting with a pastor so we can resolve a chartering issue with a pack.



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