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I think I want to start a New Polictical Movement.

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Well the two party comment was sarcastic. I guess I should have noted that.


1. No sorry no military on the border, thier job is outside the country, going after the bad guys or detering them, I will not tie up the military that way, if individual states want to use thier National Guard that way, more power to them. Just a fence backed by lots of Border Patrol eyes both phyiscally and electronically.


2. I could be presuaded on the "no pay" instead of term limits. I might have its merits.


3. Taxes, sorry neccessary evil. Although after getting the budget back in order slowly reduce it as well.


4. Keep working on getting that thing balanced, maybe make them stay in DC until it does (this would work especially well if we turned off the AC in summer)


5. No getting around this one, slash, slash, slash the federal goverment.


6 and 7 must stay. (Beware of forign entanglements..One of our founding fathers statements)


8. Come on no one can hit all the notes except Celine Dion and she is Canadian.


9. I agree it is strong, but keep it that way.


10. We want those really smart forign kids to come here for school, maybe they will stay, win for us, or maybe they will go home with good, fond memories of the US.


No one really commented on the the life of my party which I think is key. When those items get done or time is up the party goes away. I believe this would limit the people that would get involved but only peole who really truely believe in the goals would get involved. Then with a set time limit the principles would not get watered down with a long standing party.

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As another Libertarian(right leaning though), I am pretty much with on these, but with just a few minor tweeks


1. I am in favor of the military on the border, but not the Army or the Corps. I like the idea of creating a sixth branch branch of the military for border protection. We have the Coast Guard for our water border, why not a Border Guard for the land borders?


2. I do not think that we should have term limits, but I am in favor of repealing the 17th amendment.


3. www.fairtax.org !!!


4. Balanced Budget Ammendment- Agree 100%, but paying down the national debt would have to be phased in over several years.


8. Iffy on this one.

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"Buy all the current SS recipients an annuity for the difference between their prebate and their SS and make all the people close to retirement years whole on their "contributions" and flush the whole deal. check out the private retirement plans that could be had at the same cost. I think the city of Galveston is the one most cited."


SS and all that is a ticking time bomb that will ruin our country even further. These programs need to be eliminated. Those on it, need to be moved to a private program. (we can't just cut them off).


"Require service after high school either military or running around the world digging ditches or drilling water wells in third world countries."


'required service' is called something else. Slavery. NO.


"Require every citizen be armed ala Switzerland unless their rights revoked by a court. "An armed society is a polite society" "


Citizens in Switzerland aren't armed. They have weapons in their homes because of the fact pretty much everyone is part of the militia.


I like the scenario in the sf comic 'Roswell, Texas'. Every Texas citizen is armed, which is required by law. Unless you have a 'license to not carry'. Texas doesn't have a standing army, and doesn't need it. And no one is willing to invade them as every citizen is armed, able, and willing to use force to defend themselves and their country.


"Repeal all drug and vice laws if people want that stuff they should be able to get it in an open market with fair tax paid same as smokes and alcohol. Prohibition did not work before what makes us think it will work now."


No arguement there.


"All government incentives and disincentives should be removed from the marketplace why should the government make your choices. examples agriculture subsidies for not growing a certain crop, special tobacco taxes, tax credits for anything, and all bailouts or guarantees."


What we need is separation of economy and state.


"Return to the Senators being appointed by the state legislatures rather than being elected this is part of the checks and balances that has unwisely been eliminated with our current system. The senators are there to protect the rights of the state."


This is something I really only learned recently. I had no idea why the senators were appointed by the states. Certainly wasn't something I was taught in my government-run schools. Hmmmm. But this is something I now agree with.




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