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Things are getting there

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I'm happy to report my troop just welcomed three new Scouts tonight. These kids can't wait to go hiking and camping. Their dads can't wait, either. One of the dads even said he wanted to go to training in the spring. If we get part of a large group of Webelos crossing over in April, we'll be over twenty Scouts for the first time in our history.


We also had our first OA election in five years on Monday night. Two Scouts were elected and I'm happy with their election (two very good kids).


The thing I've still got to work on with the adults is to keep them from trying to decide everything. At the troop committee on Monday, they selected the dates for our events during the upcoming year. Then, they started to go through and pick out where we were going to camp. Before they got too far, I stopped them and said the Scouts should get to choose that. I don't mind the committee picking the dates, because the kids always have to check with their parents on availability for those. However, the Scouts are more than able to pick out camping spots.


We now have three different levels of Scouts to work with at meetings. Although I'm very excited about it, it will be a challenge. The youth leaders are coming along, but they still have a little bit of trouble staying consistent with planning. If we can get through the next year, we should be in very good shape.


I hope everyone else's troops are heading in the right direction. It feels good that mine is.

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Keep a tight rein on that committee! LOL!


from personal experience; a runaway, over-power hungry committtee can be the death of a troop!


is your troop new? or re-building? either way, what you do now sets the tone for the troop for years....


one thing we did for our PLC - which is just getting back into boy lead after generations of 'adult lead' is to give them a big desk calendar, with big squares, and mark out all the school holidays, school concert/band dates, known events like district camporees, klondike, local events (we work the county fair as a fundraiser, parades and such) and scout events, summer camp dates, etc. If you have the $ and wall space - a whiteboard year planner is even better! Make it available for adults to blackout bad times (like when our SM had knee surgery and couldn't drive the bus or do biking) for them to plan around.


this gives the boys a 'leg up' on planning, but still puts the ball in their court, and avoids having an activity fall apart because of schedule conflicts.


the boys should be planning everything about an outing - even if it's 'have Mr M spend an hour teaching knots' - it shouldn't be the adults planning the activities, unless the boys ask them to do a specific skill or activity.


Sounds like you have a promising lead, though - and lots of fun ahead!



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