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Citizenship In The Community foundraising activity.

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Eagle Nate here,


At our last committee meeting, the adults and I developed an idea, in which we use the Cit. In the Comm. Merit Badge to fundraise.


What we do, is you map out several historical locations in your general area. You provide transportation for all scouts in your District, for a price of about $2.50. You transport them to these different locations, and have a counselor at each one teaching the requirements.


This can also be used for the Webelo Citizenship badge they can earn.


We were going to set up signs and bulletins in scouting newsletters to infrom scouts all around the district of this opportunity.


We ran this past the Scouting Council, and they not only said it was a good idea, but they'd help us promote it.


I just thought I'd run this idea past you all, and maybe you'd want to try something like this for the troop/pack you are active with.


Take care,


-Eagle Nate

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