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Proud of my Webelos son!

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Our CO held it's annual fall festival/fundraiser/ yard sale/ pumpkin patch today.


Well, even thought it wasn't the fist time I told my son we would be helping out. I reminded him again last night.


"WHAT? Why do we have to help out?"


I have no idea where this came from. Even though I'd never mistake him for Ghandi or a poster child for Good Deeds Daily..I didn't quite expect this.


Nah, he wasn't a jerk about it or even whineing, I think he just had plans (in his head) about sleeping til noon or something like that.


Anyways, we get to our "station" at 9 am. We were selling hotdogs, Italian sausages ( with pepper and onions!), coffee and hot chocolate on the CO's behalf to support soccer scholarships for the church's Upward Soccar League.


So I had told my son that I just wanted him to help out for at least 1 hour.


WEll, 5 and a half hours later, we sell out of hot dogs and the Italian sausages were long gone.


So I tell my son that we are done, and he says: "Already? I was having fun!"


So he helped me clean up, and we head out. On the way home, he says that he wished we had more dogs and sausages so we could keep selling. He actually liked and enjoyed helping out.


So, I guess at his age, you have to drag them out to help out, but have to drag them home afterward.


I'm thinking this is a sign of being an "almost teenager" . :)

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My son was like that, hard to get going, once there hard to get to return home. It was like he tries to put down permenant roots where ever he went.


I am glad that he had fun doing community service, that is what groups like BSA, high schools etc. are hoping for with the required community service, that the kids will find something to do that they get true enjoyment from, and that helps to develop them wanting to do community service on their own.

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