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Troops Supporting Cub Scouts

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More great points and I do agree. However I also need to be able to speak to my CC and committee members points of view who are the ones bringing up the "used" and "getting something out of it" things in light of their past experiences.


Although I also stand by the idea that I don't want to place DC's in places where they would unnecessarily weaken traditional pack/troop associations. That seems more of a "using" thing to me. To have the agenda of letting a DC come in from elsewhere to get your partner to resume doing what they should. In that situation the pack/troop just need to communicate and not drag someone else into it.


More great points! Anyone still out there lurking? Chime in!

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I do agree that providing DCs is a service, and a great POR for a young scout to gain leadership qualities. However, there should be some "quid pro quo" when a troop gives up a scout or 2 to work in this position, especially when the pack and troop meet on the same night. I alwyas looked upon it as "aslong as the Webelo stays in scouting..." But, when that young DC looks at me after crossover, after giving it his all for 8-10 months, and not one of them crossed to our troop, and he says "What did I do wrong?", that is where I have the feeling of being "being used." Like I said before, now my other young scouts that could benefit from this are reluctant to do it for this reason.


Here's another part of the story: our district really does not assist with Webelos to Scout transition. I have brought this up many times to our DE (which changes about every 12-18 months, but that is another issue), and they put it back that it is the troop's responsibility to go to Webelos packs and promote. I can see his point, but when you are expressly asking for help, you would think some would be forthcoming. Also, isn't a requirement of the AOL to visit 3 troops before crossover? If so, I know this isn't being adhered to in our district.

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Also, isn't a requirement of the AOL to visit 3 troops before crossover?


No, this is not an AOL requirement. Here's a link to the requirements:




Perhaps you're thinking of requirements 4 and 6. These indicate that, during the webelos program (which is typically 18 months) a boy should have visited a troop meeting, an outdoor-oriented boy scout event, and had a conference with a scoutmaster. These do not necessarily have to be with different troops though, and I have met leaders who have done all of these in one weekend - troop meeting on Friday, camp with troop on Friday night/Saturday, SM conf. on Saturday and then home again with everything done. Not saying that's the best way to do it IMO, but I know it happens.


Keep in mind too, that while AoL requirement #4 makes a comment about not double counting an outdoor activity toward both this requirement and the webelos Outdoorsman pin, attendance at a troop outdoor activity is merely an option (not a requirement) for the Outdoorsman pin.

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Thanks for the clarification, LisaBob. I don't remember where I heard the visit 3 troops requirement from. Maybe that's a suggestion someone gave out (not gonna say guideline or requirement) to let the Webelo and family get a better feel for the troop they would like to join...

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True service is not given with a price tag or expecting something back.


Several years ago, my son was Den Chief for a Den of Webelos 1 Scouts and their Den Leader (mom of one of the Scouts). We worked very closely with them for two years and even hauled our Troop trailer to two of their Den campouts so they'd have cooking gear and such. My son and one or two other Boy Scouts stayed out there with them and taught their naturalist & forester activity pins. The Troop also invited them to 4 outdoor events and several meetings. In the end, the whole den went to a neighboring town's Troop. I have the best relationship now with that group, and it was my son that reminded me when I was upset, that it wasn't about getting them in our Troop as much as just helping them to understand what Boy Scouts is all about and helping them to want to go forward in Scouting. They are happy there and progressing in their advancements. It was worth the effort if it kept them interested in Scouting.


I'm not perfect, sometimes I need a reminder, like my son gave me. But I'm trying to do this better by intentionally teaching other how to serve. I'm teaching my Scouts and others how to serve willingly, gladly, and without expecting anything in exchange. Felling used because of things like my story above causes resentment, anger, and ill-will.


True service changes lives and attitudes.



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