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Final act on the kid that pulled the knife

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Well as many of you that follow these forums will recall, I had a Webelos II kid in my den pull out a knife and brandish it in a threatening way on other kids. This happened in December We had a conference with his parents and the kid was compelled to write a letter. I confiscated the kid's knife with the promise to return it at cross over. We crossed over Saturday and I returned the knife. Things are hunky dory.


Of course we all analyzed this and thought that there might be bigger issues. We were right. Three weeks ago, the mom told me that the dad wanted to separate. Last week he moved out. The guy is leaving a wife with three kids 13, 12 & 11. Talk about walking out just as the going gets tough.


In my own psycho-babble, it would appear that the dad had become distant and the kid was acting out in a way to get his dad's attention. I liked the dad, he was an ex paratrooper and was always nice to be around. His boy is more like his mother in looks and tends to be more of the -artsy crafty type. The boy had come along way in my den from being afraid of night hikes as a Bear to playing man hunt in the pitch black a Webelos II. I doubt that the boy will stay in scouts. I think he was doing this to please his father. But this kid has surprised me before both good and bad.


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It's always good to be aware that for various reasons, with varying degrees ALL BOYS need what Scouting has to offer. Some are just more obvious than others. Don't forget the kid that doesn't brandish a knife, he may need the most help.



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"It's Me"


I had been following your posts from the beginning and I did offer a few words of advise along the way. It doesn't surprise me that there are problems at home for this boy. It saddens me, but doesn't surprise me.


I think a very important point to bring out with this experience is that Scouting can be beneficial to any boy. We are probably not going to solve marital issues or stop parents from making poor decisions which adversely affect their children, but we can make a difference in the life of a boy.


On a personal note, my parents were separated when I was quite young. I only made it trough Webelos. After that, partly because of moving around and also because my parents could not see past their own problems and make sure their son (me) stayed in a Scout Troop, I lost contact with Scouting. But I never forgot the few years as a Cub Scout. During that time I felt I belonged somewhere - which was so important coming from a broken home. I never got involved in gangs, even later, because I learned the values from Scouting - even at Cub Scout age. I knew street gangs could not offer those values.


As an adult, I have been able to be involved as a leader and try to give back some of what I got from Scouting.


Even though the boy you had may leave Scouting, I believe he will never forget his experiences he had as a Cub Scout. Who knows, he may even become a great Scout Leader like you someday.


Eagle Pete

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Thanks Eagle Pete,


As of today this boy is still in scouting, a full 7 months after the incident and now five months into his parent's marital problems. The dad has moved out and filed for divorce.


No problems with this scout on the last few Boy Scout campouts. No problems prior to the knife incident either. He still may drop out but it won't be because of the incident. Even if he does by that time he will have had four years of cub scouts (10-12 campouts) and a year of boy scouts (7-8 campouts). Not bad to have under your belt.


Who knows he may eagle out in five years. That would make me especially happy.





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