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webelos den "dues"

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I've never seen or heard of anything written as National Policy in regards to an amount for dues. From antedotal reports it seems to vary somewhat by Pack - some charge $5.00/month, others simply charge $100.00 for the year for everything, and some fall in between.


Our Pack is a $5.00/month Pack and we still have to chase parents for dues.




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Den dues or Pack Dues?


My DEN members pay $1 each den meeting to cover the costs of supplies for the den projects. Over the course of the year it comes out pretty close. I know some dens throw a party at the end with any left over den dues.


PACK dues are paid annualy at recharter. Our Pack charges $38.50 without Boys Life and $45 with. The council gets $20 and the rest go to the general Pack Fund.


Our pack spends on average $112 per boy per year. We asked every boy to sell $350 as a target goal for Popcorn this year to generate about $115 income. We worked very hard to have 100% participation in the fund raiser. This year we have 65 active boys on the roster. Sept 30 and Oct 9 we held Show & Sells at 5 different locations concurrently. In those two days the boys sold $11,500. Over the remainder of the month the Pack sold over $22,500 with $1500 in donations. So we averaged $345+ per boy in sales not including donations.


The drawback is we operate on money raised last year. We only had 45 boys last year so we are making the budget scream with 20 more boys.

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Our pack charges $55 a year in pack dues, plus $10 for Council and $12 for Boys Life (optional)


The Webelos I den I lead charges $4 a month den dues. This covers supplies and other items.


The pack pays for advancements and will usually provide one meal at a campout.




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No den dues, no pack dues. We sell a lot of popcorn... Last year, I think we were over $23,000... Not sure, but, I think we are comparable this year.


Pack pays for den supplies within reason. If it is a big project, that has some cost, the boys might be asked to chip in. Field trip costs are paid by the boys. All advancements, books, and neckerchiefs, Derby Kits, Space Derby etc. are purchased by the Pack.


Seems to work out. Our Pack is around 68 boys right now.

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In our Pack, each den charges $6.00/month for dues.  Of this amount, $4 stays with the den and $2 is forwarded to the Pack fund.  The Pack fund pays for awards, annual registration, and Boys Life.  Advancement awards (Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, etc) are paid for by our Council.  Depending on the success of our popcorn fundraiser, other costs may be covered as directed by the Pack committee.


The portion the Dens keep are to take care of their den supplies, crafts, etc., and to cover the cost of new handbooks, neckerchiefs/slides when their boys crossover to a new Den.


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