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Cub Scout Discipline

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We are having issues with bad behavior at our Den Meetings. The problem is that the boy causing the disturbances happens to be the Den Leader's son. Most of the time the behavior disrupts the meeting and the DL simply ignores it or says "I can't do anything with him." To what degree are the rest of the parents supposed to tolerate this behavior before it becomes a Pack issue?? Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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One is to remove the youth from the meeting if possible, if behavior is not inproved (Stay home with dad). Let the other cubs decide what to do, ( peer presure).

If possible a den chief comes aboard.

Talk to the DL see what you can do to help.

This is a hard one, what do you expect from your son, and what would you put up with, as well as the other parents.

Best of Luck

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One thing I work with the den leaders on and do myself at the pack meeting is to set up RULES immediately (first meeting).


Take flip chart and ask boys for rules. They will chime in with some examples, and write them down. After you feel you have some good rules- half dozen or so is sufficient- and feel free to hint/direct the discussion in the direction you want to go and write down an "interpretation" on the flip chart that suits the den's needs- just check back with the boy who suggested it and say "I wrote it like this--- okay?"



Then- ask the boys what should happen if the rules are not followed.


Most of them will not want to offer any discipline or punishment. This is the point where we step in and state that boys who misbehave will be spoken to and corrected. If it continues, a meeting will be held with the boy, the cubmaster and the parent.


I don't envy your situation, but the rules have to apply to all and the den leader needs to be fair in how they treat their boy with the others in mind.



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