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That fine line...

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There is a poor soul who is leading one of the Webelos dens. Everything in this persons life has taken a turn for the worst. The state of being burnt out isn't the issue, more on the lines of the difficulties in the personal life. It's being reported that the Den meetings are done on the fly and the achievements are being awarded like candy.


We know something has to be done ASAP. But would like to keep the balance of helping a friend in need and do what is in the Boys best interest.


Any word of advise of how to best approach a possible sticky situation?

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The details that you have provided are not really enough, we would need a little more.

I can't help but wonder what is your part in all of this?

While I would never recommend doing it, I have known some great leaders who are at their best when they do things on the fly. If it seems that standards are not being met, someone -The Cubmaster? Pack Trainer? Has to ask why? Is there a lack of communication? Does the Webelos Scout Den Leader not understand what the requirements are? Is there a need for some sort of training, maybe not one of the District training's but some sort of in house training that would get everyone working on the same page. Back when we had Den Leader Coach's our coach played a vital role in training all of our Den Leaders at the monthly Leaders meeting.

Maybe this person just needs some help with the Den, Den Chiefs can really work well with Webelos Scout Dens. Many of these Lads remember what they had to do when they were Webelos Scouts and these Lads are known for telling it like it is or should be!! Maybe there is an adult who would be willing to help.

Back when I was CM we had a lovely Lady who was great at glue and paste type stuff and had been a good Den Leader, she took one look at the Webelos Scout book and shook her head, I ended up being the "Real" Webelos Scout Den Leader, she had the title and was on the charter. She was a single parent and the there was a very big age gap between her other two kids and the Lad in the Den, she wanted to spend as much time as she could with him. So everything worked out fine, I really enjoyed working with the Webelos Scouts, she was happy to do some of the Activity Pins, that were like the Wolf and Bear Den stuff. She is now a Committee Member in a troop and last year her son was on camp staff.


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In my opinion, if the Pack Leadership (CM and CC) consider this to be a problem, then they should address it by approaching the Webelos Leader with compassionate concern and discussing ideas for getting through this period so that the WL can adequately address his/her personal problems and the den does not suffer.


I believe this is the perfect opportunity for the Assistant Den Leader to step up (that is why they are there). If there isn't one coming forward, consider;


1. a possible merger with another Webelos den for a limited period of time unless the numbers are just too much (e.g. >15);


2. recruiting each den parent to plan a meeting or activity until things return to some normalcy;


Putting a Den Chief in a position of essentially running a den is not fair to the Den Chief, no matter how mature he is or how much training he has received. He can assist, but don't expect him to assume a role of an adult leader.


Good luck.

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I'm not sure how to take this: "I can't help but wonder what is your part in all of this?" Are you assuming something sinister on my part? Hope it wasn't ill thoughts on yours, because if they were, it would only expose a Bully. Hmmmm, now what was that reason for assumed names again?


For the record, this request for help was brought to the table by the parents of the Webelos. This is after having been asked by the Pack Leadership to take over for the Webelos, which I declined on the advice given to me by EagleDad.


Why draw out the exact details when you answered the question. Believe it or not, your answer is the same approach the group decided on, which includes me. The CM, who has a Son in the Den, will be taking a more active approach to helping the Webelos.


But because it could turn into a sticky situation, it would only seem prudent to ask for advice from those who live this this type of problem before.


I'll close by saying, Thank You for your advise. Keep doing a "Good Turn for others."



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I'm glad that I was on the same page as the Leadership team in the pack.

Please know that I wasn't in any way trying to be sinister or seeing you as being sinister.

What brought me to ask was my thinking that you were a Tiger Cub parent. While there could be lots of reasons for you wanting to help this Webelos Scout Den Leader; It might be that he or she is a friend, it might have been that you had been asked to help?

Very often Parents, who have nothing to do with a Den talk among themselves, seeing problems that really aren't there and have nothing to do with them. If there is a problem, the people to deal with it are the people at the top - Cubmasters, Committee Chairs. Parents from other Dens, no matter how well meaning can do untold harm.

If you have been asked to help or asked to get involved that is all well and good. That was why I asked what your involvement was?


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NP and much thanks for your guidance.




You didn't give me advice on this exact issue. In a previous post, and in so many words, told me to pace myself. I'm happy at just being a CMA.




Item two, is something that was suggested. Not sure if the parents will follow through. I keep asking parents to attend the Parent and Leader meetings, and all of them say they will but none of them show up...




The UC will be getting involved as well. Mostly as an observer. He's a great guy and will get in there to help troubleshoot a problem when asked.


Keep doing a Good Turn daily!



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