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10 Things a Scout Wants from Scouters

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[NOTE: I originally posted this request on the "Working with Kids" forum. In the interest of trying to reach (much more directly) the Crew Advisors that attended the same Crew Advisors' meeting I did on Sunday, Aug 8, I'm posting my query here, too.)]


After recently returning from a spectacular Philmont trek (808-A1), I've taken some time to look back. I have come across something that I didn't write down at the time I heard it, and of course ... . At the Crew Advisors' meeting on Aug 8, a Scouter, Gene Schnell, talked for a bit, and mentioned the above '10 Things' list (from a survey that had been conducted by ??). I was intrigued by the list, never having heard of it before in my many years of Scouting, and thought it would be worthwhile to share with the other Scouters in my troop. So, 1) were you at the same (or another) Advisors' meeting such that you could tell me what the 10 things are, 2) have you heard of this list in another forum before such that you could send me a URL, or 3) can you suggest a resource where I might find this list? Thanks for your help.


In response to my other post in the other Forum, OldGreyEagle replied with the following. (I wasn't convinced this was the same list I heard on Aug 8 {hence my re-post}, though some of the items did sound somewhat familiar.)


"I have seen this before, is this what you mean ?


The 10 Needs of a Scout

1. To climb a mountain and look afar.

2. To sit around an embered campfire with good friends.

3. To test his strength and skill on his own.

4. To be alone with his own thoughts and with his God.

5. To be ready to reach out and find the hand of an understanding adult ready and willing to help.

6. To have a code to live by.....Easily understood and fair.

7. To have a chance to play hard just for the fun of it....And to work hard for the thrill of it.

8. To have a chance to fail....And know why.

9. To have and to be a good friend and have a chance to prove both.

10. To have a hero....And a vision to measure him by."

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