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Veteran Bar Question

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Okay,I have seen the Veteran Bars in various diagrams/ uniform inspection sheets and even in the back of both of my sons Cub Books.


But I never actually knew for sure what it was. I assumed it was for indicating previous scout enrollment - meaning if you were a scout in say......New Jersey, and later in life moved to Colorado or something, you COULD display your old den numbers. I thought that was your veteran part.Or if you were a scout way back when, and just started helping you local pack/troop, you could display the unit or den # from your youth.


So last night, I see the Veteran Bar in my Cub Scout Leader Book (#33221) and if I understand it right... It is just an indicator of how long your pack or troop has been in service starting at the 25 year mark.


This is correct , right?


Okay, so if this is correct,and other members of my pack wear the Veteran bar ( not all for some reason).... should I be wearing it too?

I'm only in my second year, so I don't want to disrespect, but if it's a pack/troop thing, it's for the pack, not individual people.





Or am I just overthinking again? LOL!

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'Fish (or as a summer camp friend would spell it: GHOTI)


You are correct in that the Vet bar celebrates how old the UNIT is. And everyone can wear it; Youth and adult. Some do, others don't. What's nice is that national does make all in one numbers that can include the vet bar. good news is that it's cheaper to buy the all in ones than individual numbers. bad news is that you got to buy them in bulk.


What folks wear to show TENURE in scouting are the Service Stars with a colored backing. the color backing shows what program you were in (orange for Tigers, which has been discontinued, yellow for Cubs, which now includes Tigers, green for Scouts, brown for Varsity, red for Sea Scouts/Explorers/venturing, and Carolina Blue for Adults) So being the old fogey I am, I could a 3yr. star on a yellow backing, a 7 yr. star on a green backing, a 1yr. star on a red backing, and a 17 yr. star on a Carolina blue backing.


HOWEVER, adults do have the option of combining their total tenure, and wearing the number of stars totaling that number. SO i could wear a 20yr. star and a 7yr. stars on Carolina blue backgrounds.



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