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Expedition hat

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I am wondering about the "officiality" of the BSA expedition hat. Specifically, I want to know if and how it differs from the campaign hat or cap. It is referred to as an "activity hat" in the catalogue whereas the campaign hat is not. What does this mean? Can one salute while wearing it? I don't see any qualitative difference between it and the campaign hat, especially given that the same official pins may be worn on both. We have a lodge advisor who is known for his ranting on the uniform. (To his credit, he has become much more friendly and courteous in his delivery the past few years.) Anyhow, at an outdoor LECM (Lodge Executive Committee Meeting), the advisor was sitting in the sun bareheaded. Some brought him an expedition hat, but he refused to wear it, barking out that it was an activity hat. I got the impression that his refusal had to do with his wearing the uniform, not the setting of the meeting. Is this correct at all? Are there any real differences between the expedition hat and campaign hat?

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Good question. I just looked at the uniform inspection sheet and it specified the visored cap or the campaign hat. Maybe you could ask your PLC to pass a policy that adults may wear the expedition hat.


For what its worth, I see many expedition hats at roundtables but very few campaign hats.


As for saluting, you salute if you are in uniform, covered or uncovered. Uniform means field uniform, activity uniform, camp uniform, or service dress grungies.


As for not wearing the hat, your guy is an idiot. If you're bareheaded in the sun and someone offers you a lace bonnet, you take it.


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The official uniform headgear worn with the standard field uniform is either the official cap, or the campaign hat. The expedition hat, like the boonie hat, is an activity uniform piece.


One could wear the expedition hat instead of the cap or campaign hat with the field uniform, but would not be considered to be in "full uniform".


There is no rule about not saluting while wearing the expedition hat.

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There are two youth uniforms in the Boy Scout program. The field Uniform and the Activity Uniform. The Visored cap and the Campaign hat are approved uniform pieces for the field uniform. The expedition hat as the catalog says is approved for the activity uniform.


Scouts may salute while in either uniform whether wearing a hat or not.


Hope this answers your question.

Bob White

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"The expedition hat as the catalog says is approved for the activity uniform."


Are adults allowed to wear the activity uniform? Is it the polo shirt with official green shorts? I assume they have discontinued the khaki shorts as I haven't seen them advertised in the catalogue. (I've never seen them in real life.) Also, if the expedition hat is approved for the activity uniform, does that mean that it is not to be worn with the field uniform? If adults are not to wear the activity uniform and the expedition hat is to be worn only with the activity uniform, then it would seem that they are not to wear the expedition at all. But they are, so where am I mistaken? It just seems a little fuzzy..

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Adults have 3 uniform options, the Field Uniform, the Activity Uniform, and the Dress Uniform.


The expedition had is designed for the Activity Uniform. The Activity Uniform is; a scout related shirt (it can be the red polo, a Scout camp shirt, a troop shirt a BSA national supply t-shirt, a scout event t-shirt, etc.), Official pants or shorts, official belt, official socks, a Troop cap (or a BSA visor cap or BSA expedition hat) is optional as with the field uniform.


Bob White



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Although I wear a campaign hat for full dress uniform events I use an expedition hat for all the dusty or sweaty outdoor activities. Saving the lemon squeezer for looking good at assembly, you can see my expedition hat has a generally discolored appearance, stained hat band, and has been sat on and crushed by packs and gear thrown on top of it. Still very servicable for any tough outing. I like it because it makes me look like Indiana Jones! Didn't it become available right after those movies came out? Remember how no matter how tough the encounter Indy's hat always survived, blowing back to him by a gust of wind.

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