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Falling Quality, Rising Prices

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Does it seem like a lot of the stuff in the catalog is just downright cheap, flimsy, weak, and expensive. I just don't understand how the military, cabelas, campmor, sportsmans guide, sierra trading post, and dunhams can sell better gear for comprable prices. It also seems like the older gear (that is being reintroduced as historical now) was of far better quality. Does anyone agree, or want to argue?

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Example: A pack belt for an offical scout pack has ripped on me on three campouts.The stress points are all on this piece of plastic mesh stuff and tear out all of the time. This pack is pretty new and has already failed while most comercial packs cared for in the same way and four times as old are still serviceable.

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Agree that many catalog items are guilty of some or all of the shortcomings you mention. Having said that, except for the uniforms, where we have no choice, I say "let the buyer beware". I think it's incumbent on all of us to know what we want, and to know what the marketplace offers. For example, I steer Scouts away from the BSA hand axe (over $20), and toward the coleman (about $6). Many other examples, too. On the other side, the Silva starter compass in the catalog is the best deal going, and the only compass most of us will ever need. Underscores my point.


Funny thing is, though, many items seem to be in the catalog strictly for nostalgia reasons, and not just in the historical section, either. And, they're in demand, too. For example, our council offered prizes from the catalog in conjunction with a recent fund raiser. Several Scouts in our troop ordered the hard, round, BSA 1-quart canteen...and all these guys have hydration systems already...sometimes I just scratch my head...



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Oh yeah, KoreaScouter, I remember that old canteen. First one I ever had. Small strap that kept folding and getting smaller, and felt like a knife cutting into your shoulder the further you walked down the trail.


I saw it in the catalog, too. Was tempted to buy one...


Memories. It's incredible what sentiment will do to you.

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Regarding quality, and how things have gotten worse: I was looking in an old-old-old handbook (don't remember if it was original or re-published), and they had pictures of boys in campaign hats doing various tasks/activities. Those hats definitely had seen some rain. They were terrible looking! Uniforms were pretty sad looking, too. Of course, those boys were probably pretty proud of themselves...

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I guess there are a few schools of thought about most aspects of scouting, including equipment. The metal 1qt canteen may seem to be mostly a nostalgic item, but it is still functional. I actually like the nostalgic gear campaign, but only because some of that stuff is built a little better. EX: my scout camper backpack is a few years old. It is in about the same shape as an old canvas Yucca ranger pack from the 50's. As for the campaign hat, they can only lok as good as they are maintained. They look so sharp when they are new, or not soaked. Besides, they are really just as practical as most "cowboy" hats, or any other broad rimmed felt hat. I just like the style. I guess I'm one of those "old timey" scouters. Don't get me wrong, but if given the choice I might choose a more nostalgic piece of gear over the newer hi-tech equipment (especially if they function about the same).


Scouter Steriotypes:


Offical Issue Obsessed: offical Issue only. "Civillian" gear is not good enough. Buys only from the scout store.


Camping Catalog Technology: All gore-tex, nylon, plastic, titanium, aluminum, LED. As soon as something can replace what he has, he needs it. Looks for modern design over classic styling.


Old Timer: Has used the same gear since he was a scout, and likes it. May use some modern gear, but probably still prefers the Jack shirt over the wind breaker. Appreciates classic styling.


(just generalizations. Not aimed at anyone.)

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I think I've purchased one piece of scout logo camping gear in the last 20 years. The Coleman sleeping bags that they make for the BSA are very good and a very reasonable price for the quality and features. I bought my son a 15 degree bag and he loves it. Other than that I only buy the uniform and tee-shirts. They do have some sharp looking commemorative caps though.


Bob White

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As a former seamstress (don't have time for it anymore!) the manufacture of alot of slothing is shoddier than it used to be. Especially the skimpiness of seams and the lack of finishing. I have had pants of my sons where either the seams came undone, or the fabric just frayed right down to the seam itself - and then there's no fabric LEFT to sew back together! And he usually outgrows his clothes in height, long before he wears them out or strains seams!


the type of fabrics used in scout clothes IS pretty tough. I have to admire the wear those uniforms get at summer camp and how they aren't in tatters by the end of the week - especially the shirts! the pant faric is pretty tough - but if a seam is exposed or pulled - they do ravel pretty easily.


I, too, get a kick out of the old photos of scouts in action - esp those in the campaign hats and uniforms prior to WWII. But you have to remember when you see these, that permapress fabrics were not available then, and those photos were often taken of groups in action, on outings and USING their uniforms hard!


(and if you think THEY look bad - take a look sometime of some of the old GIRL SCOUT uniforms of the time ! LOL!)

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