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Online Ordering...hello, Irving?

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My daughter has moved up to Junior Girl Scouts from Brownies, and of course, we have to replace all the uniform stuff (not complaining, she's outgrown it anyway). Well, our nearest GSUSA store is at Camp Zama, Japan. Just popping over while out for a paper and some milk is out of the question.


Her troop leader pointed me to the GS web page, and guess what? Yep, online catalog that you can really order from, not just a thing that tells you where your nearest service center is like ours.


Now, we were spoiled in Virginia, where the Scout Store was 15 minutes away, fully stocked, and the National Supply Center a half-day truck drive. But what about overseas, or in rural districts, or if you just prefer to use the Net to shop? Well, I can get anything I want in 5 days from the GS. But from my beloved BSA, we must "go to the general store for provisions", like the pioneers did 150 years ago. Somebody please tell me how that makes sense.


I know what the likely arguments are in favor of the status quo. Please let me know if I'm missing something here.


1) How does BSA know you're a registered Scout/Scouter; can't have an unauthorized person getting their hands on our stuff, right? A Council, District, or unit authorization code could be entered that would weed out impostors. I know what the uniform/insignia guide says, but if we were serious about uniform items for registered persons only, we'd conduct periodic sweeps of flea markets, yard sales, thrift shops, and Goodwill stores to keep all the used BSA items from falling into the wrong hands.


2) How will Districts/Councils receive their markup if we bypass the Scout Store and order direct from the Net? How about by the same council, district or unit code that you enter to verify registration? It works, and there's precedent. Just ask an Amway distributor how their "upline" gets their share when they order soap online...on second thought, don't ask, just take my word for it, unless you want to get recruited!


A long post over a seemingly small thing, but if you lived where I do, you'd appreciate the convenience and speed of online ordering. Why hasn't BSA gotten on board?



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I've wondered the same thing for a long time. I prefer to shop online even when I can drive to a store. I live in a major metropolitan area. Because of traffic, it takes 30 minutes to get to anywhere. The scout stores do not always have everything. I went to the Council store this past week and found out they do not carry women's uniform pants. They would order them for me. The National Scout Store near me sees no need in stocking small size green belts, spend the extra on the large size and cut it.


I don't have to show proof of being registered or having my son registered when I go into the Scout stores and buy uniforms, books, etc. At the National Scout Shop I can even buy Cub Scout badges and awards with no proof that I told the council.


BSA should at least sell the uniform parts, handbooks and leader's books online.


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Hi All:


Quite by accident, I entered the following URL when looking for BSA supply: http://www.scoutstuff.com. They have a page dedicated to Scout clothing at http://www.scoutstuff.com/scoutsstuff.html.

I don't know how they get away with it, but while it is running, take a look.


J.C. Penny's used to carry BSA clothing, but their website only lists GSUSA items. Perhaps a call to 1-800-222-6161 may get you a catalog, but when calling from Korea, it may be difficult.


KS, if you need something from supply, I can pick it up and send it out to you, if they have it in stock. I often wonder if they are going to change the name of the store to "Mother Hubbard's Cupboard," as they are often out of the things needed. I think they have the same guy ordering stuff that the Army clothing sales uses. That's why you have 15 4-star General insignia on the shelf, and no Lieutenant bars.


Keep on Scoutin' -- ora

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There isn't reasonable arguement against putting the full scout catalog online other than cost. Cost can easily be overcome.


Ecommerce engines can be built as secure as you like with as many safeguards as you like. I do it everyday.


The BSA has http://www.scoutstuff.org but you can't order online. It's just brochureware, all look and no function.


Frankly I don't see why almost everything isn't online.


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