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First off, I KNOW! DON'T GO FOR THE EASY TARGET HERE! (sorry about the yelling)


Ok, now that that's clear... I have agreed to offer a merit badge at an upcoming merit badge day. I am not a huge fan of "MB Universities" and thought long and hard about whether I would be willing to do this again (having done it twice, under very unsatisfactory conditions, in the past). But I'll have a max of 12 boys, it is for a seldom-earned and not eagle required badge, We get 4 hours, and it is not expected that all requirements will be finished that day. Under those conditions, I figured I would give it a try one more time.


I'll be doing the American Cultures badge. I've been a counselor for this badge for about 6 years now, and have never had any scout approach me about it. I am looking for ideas for how to make this fun for the boys who sign up. Does anybody have experience with this badge, and/or good ideas they want to share?

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I'm not sure if you could make this work logistically, but how about dividing the class into 3 groups (like for req 1) - give each group a culture/ethnicity/etc. to "become." If you have access to the internet or a computer lab, let them research their cultural group to answer the first few reqs. Perhaps provide them with supplies to make an artifact or costume piece. Then all come back together for the final hour to hold a Cultural Festival, where each group can bring an example of something they've made, share their history, teach each other a dance, share a folk story, create a class culture scrapbook, that sort of thing. I think it could be a lot of fun, and the boys take ownership of the reqs. for the badge, with your guidance and direction.


I worked with a fellow Scouter recently on a Cit/World class and we did something similar - it was an amazing experience - we divided the boys into countries, had them do research, trade for goods, make flags, then they all came together at the end of the day for a United Nations meeting.



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