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Posts posted by drmicrowave72

  1. Terry

    In 1994 i think you were the Program dic. for Quivira Scout Ranch that summer. You had a play done on one of the nights at camp do you remember the name of the play that you did. And to all scouters of quivira I lookiing for history of the past 50 years of the camp. Any information would be great the 50th is next year and it would be nice to have a booklet of the history of QSR



  2. May be some of you are doing this. Im just start a few months ago. I have taken the scout laws and place them on Business cards

    First point of the Scout Law

    A Scout is Trustworthy

    (Used my book when I was a Scout)

    Please continue on you Journey

    I made up all Twelve, I hand them to the youth when I see one of them working the scout law. I have been getting smiles from the youth. Yes they have asked about hungry so does any one know how the Thirteen laws should read?? And hungry for food and how about one for Hungry for knowledge??



  3. Thank you for your comments. I have found out that in asking around scouts say you should talk to this person. Only that person has pass on. So if you looking finding history one should of started a few years ago.


  4. That sounds great just keep doing the camp out and next year ask other troops to come. My Destrict has been doing this for 35 years. Last year we had 4000 scouts come and some from other states.

    try looking at quivira.org "Trappers' Rendezous"

  5. That sounds great just keep doing the camp out and next year ask other troops to come. My Destrict has been doing this for 35 years. Last year we had 4000 scouts come and some from other states.

    try looking at quivira.org "Trappers' Rendezous"

  6. I thought I would put this out there. Ever Year we have a WB Noureunion. So how about a Scouter Forum nonreuion. I had talk to a member and the comment was made about meeting and talking to some of the forum members. I know there will be some problems with this. Like a time and a place to meet and spend a weekend in a face to face forum. There is a Church Camp in the Kansas city area. Or maybe a Scout Camp. close to a large City. May be this has been bought up.




  7. Thanks for the feed back. I didn't think we were playing the scerct game and if so it wasn't met to be. so are scouts youth and scouters adults??

    The PLC did make the times and the plans for the campfire so the patrol leaders did make input. We did talk about it to give them an schedule. Maybe this would clear up some of the problems.

  8. Help me here to understand. Time. Our council has a backpacking training twice a year where scouts come together for the weekend. All they have to do is just show up. the weekend goes like this. About 90 scouters come for the training. We use the patrol method. will make about 9 patrols they choose a patrol leader. there are round robins and backpack checks. They are sent out to check points using map and compass and the troop will camp at a center area and are told to be at the PLC at 5;00pm. and the rest of the program is told to them. Like time and program for campfire. and worship service in the morning and the round robins for sunday. Not all the patrol leaders may not show up. so they miss the times. and if they know the times they are late for campfire or worship services. WE have been doing this traning program for 37 years. and it seems there is more of this time slipping. Or they do show up for campfire or servics or don't go to the round robins. Or maybe these scouts don't understand the patrol method. I don't know if any of you have seen this with other training progarm. Or being on time does't mean much any more??

  9. Fussy Bear

    What you say is true. I was want to put together some thing for new scouters that are coming a long, and yes there will new ideas. But there are some old good ones out there.

    I am not really with a troop any more I am training now. But while Im camping people do ask me about plans, For the projects. I was looking at as a way the the troops could use for program in making projects. And to help new scouters a help in getting started.. We do have camp gadgets at our Uscouting and again scouters ask for the plans. At BD of review I ask sometimes what will you give back to scouting so this is put of me tring to give back.



  10. I putting together a book on camp gadgets and wisdom. I looking for help on input on camp gagets and wisdoms on camping. There are old scouter out there that have information that could be lost. I have some plans on the sheet of plywood table and some chairs.

    Yours in Scouting


  11. Why don't you contact you boy scout training chair. and Ask him to come to you committee meeting on the night you have committee meetings. that way ever one is there and you don't have to try to get people to the round table. we do this in our district. and it works very well. So Tell you training chair to take on the road. That way you can have the Troop Committe Chall.


  12. I am putting together a book on camp gadgets. and in doing so I came across a paper that was marked "Engineering Service Boys Scouts of America" the drawing is the patrol food chest and it Design standard 44 on the sheet. Did and does the BSA print a book with other drawings, in it and is there more drawings. ANy one know about this


  13. In reading some of the post. Some have said there time is coming up to leave that postions. one said SM he had do his three years. than other say I have been doing this for 20 some years. Are there time limts on postions at council or district levels. I have heard this a few times about the three years. I know for some if you had some one that wasn't good in that postion that all you had to do was to wait for the time to run out.


  14. Trevorum

    Like you have seen in the other post there is life after SM. For me I doing NYLT as SM and realy enjoy it. To see the young scouts grow so much in just one week is something to behold. you can be a trainer which would let you share some of your years as a SM.

    Yours in Scouting


  15. I have thought about putting together a Troop Guide hand book. The TG are the point scouts meaning the the patrols are with there TG a lot more than a other of the staff. would this be a good idea. Things like let more of problem solving for the TG's. There could be more added to this do any of you have any thoughts.

    Your in Scouting

    allways an OWL

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