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Everything posted by DougD

  1. The $3 million in improvements for CFE has been a figure that's been bantered about. However, at the CFE 75th Anniversary (2004), money was raised for this. That money has yet to be invested in CFE. That number continues to be used as fodder for reasons to sell, yet donations already were made to cover it. It appears Council is using CFE as some form of cash cow to milk money from the community. However, Council doesn't wish to answer direct questions about the issues.
  2. QUOTE: I believe you and Red Dog and your followers have missed the point. END QUOTE Sorry Brent, it's YOU that miss the point. Well-evidenced further in your post. QUOTE: But now, Red Dog and his group are suing to rezone the property. If the property is rezoned, the developers are out of the picture, and so are the development rights - no payment from any conservation group or agency to purchase them. The property value is diminished, with no remuneration to the owners - gee, what a great deal for the Scouts! Not!! END QUOTE Red Dog and his group are NOT suing to re
  3. Bill (capnwhizz), I have to take issue with much of your posting. Quote: I understand that Mr. Kaiser and others think they know what is going on, but they seem to be motivated by emotion and rumor. There has never been a solicited offer for Camp Flying Eagle, no submitted offered was ever accepted, and there is no plan to sell the camp. However, no board could fulfill its fiduciary duty to a council by not at least reviewing and discussing offers submitted End Quote Emotion and rumor? You're a member of the savecfe.org site. There is a profound LACK of emotion and rumor.
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