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Posts posted by do2much

  1. what we do in my sons troop is we have a leather bead fob that hangs off the scouts belt. it has 4 leather "laces" with a bead at the end of each lace. when the scout is not being a good scout, the scoutmater removes a bead. the scout then gets a talking to. on the removal of the 2ndbead the scout,scoutmsterand members of comm. have a talk. the 3rd bead the scout, sm & comm. member and parents then meet. and they are all told that if the last bead comes off the scout is then asked to leave the troop. we do this every year. every year all scouts start off with 4 beads. even if they have 1 -3 missing at the end of the year we start off fresh at the beginning. boys will be boys but not brats! this system really works.

  2. as a district cub roundtable comm, district training comm. acm, member of scout troop comm. i hope that i can help you with your problem. we have a pack of 70+ boys and that we came up with is a "Paws port". this is a list of pack meeting and events dates and times that are printed on a piece of paper that is small enough to glue into the back of the boys book (i know that this won't work for tiger cubs, but the parents can glue this into their big book) as the events took place was then stamped their books. this helped the parents keep up with what was happening at the pack. i also recommend that you as a den leader attend your district monthly roundtable meeting. here you can find out what is happening in your district and council - you can then go back to your committee and report to them. get all the training that you can this also helps. hope that is helped.

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